Why Does Your Wife Need Male Friends?

Why Does Your Wife Need Male Friends?

Why does my wife need male friends? you may ask. Before you jump to conclusions, there are several reasons why. First, having male friends is a natural aspect of life and can benefit a person’s well-being. However, we understand that you may have concerns, and we’ll also address those. So, let’s explore ten reasons why … Read more

Why Does My Husband Watch Explicit Movies?

Why Does My Husband Watch Explicit Movies?

Finding out your husband watch sexually explicit movies likely causes confusion, hurt, and frustration. You may wonder if it means he’s bored with you, unattracted, or unfaithful. But in reality, many factors can motivate this behavior in men. You can understand his reasons with compassion and communication and set boundaries around what’s acceptable. Read Also: … Read more

Why Does My Boyfriend Ask Me to Send Dirty Pictures?

Why Does My Boyfriend Ask Me to Send Dirty Pictures

When your boyfriend ask you to send dirty or risque pictures from you, it can likely cause mixed emotions. While flattering that he finds you attractive, you may feel pressured and unsure how to respond. Know that his asks come from various motivations, some healthy and others not. With open communication and boundaries, you can … Read more

Why Does My Boyfriend Grunt in His Sleep?

Why Does My Boyfriend Grunt in His Sleep

You and your boyfriend have started sharing a bed, and you’ve noticed he grunt and makes strange noises in his sleep. The loud, disruptive sounds are annoying and puzzling. Why does your boyfriend make these weird grunting noises at night? Keep ready as we examine reasons why your boyfriend grunt in his sleep and how … Read more

Why Does My Boyfriend Not Like Being Called Baby?

Why Does My Boyfriend Not Like Being Called Baby?

Let’s face it: some people don’t like pet names, but calling your boyfriend baby ‘baby’ and he doesn’t like it is kind of strange. You’ve been with your boyfriend for a while now, and things are going great between you two. You have pet names for each other, like “babe” or “honey,” but when you … Read more

Why Does It Bother Me That My Boyfriend Smokes Cigarettes?

Why Does It Bother Me That My Boyfriend Smokes Cigarettes?

Finding out your boyfriend smokes cigarettes can be upsetting if you don’t smoke yourself, but why does it bother you so much? You may feel annoyed or disappointed whenever you see him light up. Smoking is a natural habit for some people, while others find it off-putting. As a partner to someone who smokes, you … Read more

Why Does My Boyfriend Have So Many Female Friends on Facebook?

Why Does My Boyfriend Have So Many Female Friends on Facebook?

You’ve noticed your boyfriend has a lot of female friends on Facebook and it’s started to make you feel uncomfortable. Seeing all those girls liking and commenting on his posts stirs up feelings of jealousy and suspicion – are they just friends or is there something more going on? You wish he didn’t have such … Read more

Why Does My Boyfriend Have A Dating App?

Why Does My Boyfriend Have A Dating App?

You’ve just made a surprising and unsettling discovery – your boyfriend has a dating app on his phone. This immediately raises questions and doubts about his faithfulness, honesty and commitment to you and the relationship. Finding out your partner is still using dating apps can be very painful and destabilizing. You may feel confused, insecure … Read more

Why Does My Boyfriend Not Open Up To Me?

Why Does My Boyfriend Not Open Up To Me?

A lot of women wonder why their boyfriend do not open up to them, especially when they know they are troubled. For example, you’re in a relationship that seems great on the surface – you have fun together, your chemistry is strong, and you can talk for hours. But there’s one major issue gnawing at … Read more

Why Does My Boyfriend Keep Searching His Exes on Instagram?

Why Does My Boyfriend Keep Searching His Exes on Instagram

When your boyfriend has a pattern of searching for his exes on Instagram, you can’t help but wonder why? At first, you brushed it off as curiosity or boredom, but now it’s just plain annoying. As human beings, we all have a natural curiosity about our exes. Social media makes it incredibly easy to stay … Read more