Why Is My Boyfriend Always on His Phone Around Me?

Why Is My Boyfriend Always on His Phone Around Me?

it’s not uncommon to find people glued to their smartphones. However, if your boyfriend seems to be constantly on his phone when you’re together, it can understandably leave you feeling a bit frustrated and disconnected from him. But before jumping to conclusions, it’s essential to understand the reasons behind his behavior and how to address … Read more

Signs Your Relationship Is Over, and How to Move On Easily

Signs Your Relationship Is Over

It’s such a painful thing to realize that your once upon a time treasured and most loved Relationship is Over! Coming to terms with this is not only heartbreaking, it’s unthinkable to imagine! It’s not every relationship that ends on a happily-ever-after note. A few make it, while a whole lot simply give up on … Read more

How to Detect Guilt Tripping in Relationship

How to Detect Guilt Tripping in Relationship

In every relationship, healthy communication is extremely important. However, sometimes people use unhealthy communication tactics like guilt tripping to manipulate their partner. This behavior is toxic and you must address it. In this blog post, I will explain what guilt tripping is, some signs to look out for, and tips on how to deal with … Read more

Why Does My Boyfriend Never Listen to Me?

Why Does My Boyfriend Never Listen to Me?

You tell your boyfriend about your day, but his eyes glaze over; he never wants to listen to you. You try to have a serious conversation, and he changes the subject. When you need support, he brushes you off. Issues like this can frustrate the recipient but should be treated carefully so you don’t overreact. … Read more

Why Does My Boyfriend Ignore Me After a Fight?

Why Does My Boyfriend Ignore Me After a Fight?

When your boyfriend ignore you after a heated fight, should you be alarmed, or is it just a normal guy thing? You and your boyfriend just had a big argument. Voices were raised, hurtful things were said, and now he won’t talk to you or respond to your texts and calls. The silent treatment hurts, … Read more

Why Does My Boyfriend Always Accuse Me of Cheating When I’m Not?

Why Does My Boyfriend Always Accuse Me of Cheating When I'm Not

Isn’t it frustrating when your boyfriend always accuse you of cheating when you’re not? Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship. When that trust is broken, it can feel like the whole relationship is crumbling down. If your boyfriend constantly accuses you of cheating or talking to other guys, it likely stems from his … Read more

Why Does My Boyfriend Always Invite His Friends?

Why Does My Boyfriend Always Invite His Friends

You’ve been dating your boyfriend for a few months now, and things are going well between the two of you. However, whenever you make plans together, your boyfriend will invite his friends, too. Most of the time, you don’t mind hanging out with his friends occasionally, but lately, it feels like you barely get any … Read more

Why Does My Boyfriend Want to Keep Our Relationship a Secret?

Why Does My Boyfriend Want to Keep Our Relationship a Secret

You and your boyfriend have been dating for a few months, and you’re really starting to fall for each other. However, you’ve noticed that your boyfriend wants to keep your relationship a secret. Any mention of changing your Facebook status to “In a Relationship,” telling friends and family that you’re dating, or showing public displays … Read more

Why Does My Boyfriend Keep Bringing Up the Past?

Why Does My Boyfriend Keep Bringing Up the Past?

Why does my boyfriend keep bringing up the past? You’re deeply discussing weekend plans when your boyfriend interjects, “This reminds me of when you forgot my birthday.” Or you’re debating what to cook for dinner when he dredges up an old argument, saying, “This is just like when you wouldn’t compromise on where to go … Read more

Why Does My Ex Boyfriend’s Wife Hate Me?

Why Does My Ex Boyfriend's Wife Hate Me

Why does my ex boyfriend’s wife hate me?: You dated your ex for years. Maybe you even thought you’d marry him one day. But for whatever reason, things didn’t work out between you two. After the breakup, you moved on with your life. Then you heard through the grapevine that your ex got married. At … Read more