Aside from romance in a relationship, there are certain “healthy components” to make your partnership grow and blossom.
Everyone wishes to have a healthy relationship because happy relationships make life more bearable. But how can you achieve this?
Let’s explore these important pieces that make a relationship healthy and filled with love. Understanding them can help make our connections with others even better.
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The 5 Component of a Healthy Relationship

Take, for instance, if you intend to grow a vegetable garden, you need enough water. The maximum amount of light.
A conducive airy environment, and good soil. To help you grow your vegetables to their maximum health potential required to grow a healthy garden.
This method or process of applying some essential components to grow a good garden can also be said about your Romantic Relationship.
Most partners in relationships would say, they are not enjoying their relationship the way they should, or do not understand their partners the way they ought to. This is because some essential components of a healthy relationship are missing.
Looking at the instance given at the beginning of this post. In growing a vegetable, if all the other essential components are present but one is missing, let’s say water is missing.
The vegetables would not grow as expected or as they are supposed to grow and blossom.
So, below are the components that are required for a healthy romantic relationship to flourish and attain its maximum potential.
1. Communication
Solid communication is one of the essential things for a long-lasting Romantic Relationship.
Once Communication is void or absent in a relationship. Such a relationship is as good as dead or not existing at all.
Good communication between you and your partner enables both of you to know how well your relationship is striving. How well you two understand each other. Things you both need to do to make your Relationship work, etc.
If the relationship with your partner, lacks solid Communication or none of you tends to open up about your feelings to each other.
Since you both do not mind readers, you would only be guessing if the things you’re doing is good or wrong in the sight of your partner or not.
Hence, the component of a healthy relationship is you and your partner always communicate effectively about your needs, likes, dislikes, etc.
That way your Relationship won’t have any loopholes or things that would make it struggle for survival or make it crash after a short period, etc.
2. Compatibility
The reason for falling in love and being in love at the first instance is because you noticed or sensed you and your partner have certain things in common.
So, therefore, you endeavor to talk more about those things you both have in common. That way it will be fun and you both enjoy the company of each other.
But once being compatible is the opposite. You would notice you and your partner can be in a place for hours without saying a word to each other.
Or you both would struggle to even keep your communication aligned with certain things just so either of you would not feel awkward or lost when together. This shouldn’t be so.
Therefore, it is advisable to be with someone with whom you two share some kind of values, some kind of morals.
That way, it will be easy to maintain a healthy Romantic relationship both in the short and long run.
Read Also: Valid signs of a Healthy Romantic Relationship
3. Compromise
When you truly love someone, there are certain things you would forgo or sacrifice just so to keep the relationship going smoothly.
Yeah, you and your partner are two different entities, from different backgrounds, and have different views about life.
Even though the both of you happen to be compatible, like in the second point made above. There should and must be some slight differences between you and your partner.
That oftentimes requires you to mellow your views or way of doing certain things. This is to ensure that peace and harmony reign and for your relationship to continue being healthy.
Hence, if you cannot compromise in your Relationship, then have it at the back of your mind, that there’s no point being in the relationship in the first place.
4. Connection
Having intimate attraction with your partner is also one of the bedrock and essential components of a healthy Romantic relationship.
Once there’s no solid attraction or connection between you and your partner. The relationship is more like a platonic Relationship in which all or any form of intimacy is nulled.
Hence, you and your partner endeavoring to keep the Romance and intimacy fire burning would not only strengthen your relationship bonds.
But would in all ways enable you both to build a solid Healthy Romantic Relationship in both the short and long run.
5. Commitment
Being committed to someone these days is a hard task to do, I know. Nonetheless, why go into a relationship when you know you’re not ready to give it you’re all?
In terms of being faithful and committed to the one, you profess your love to or for? It does not make any sense yeah?
Being committed to your partner would mean, you stand by him/her through thick and thin. Being there for him/her even when your partner doesn’t expect you to do so.
Sacrificing the things you can even when it’s not convenient for you to do so, and a whole lot more.
Read Also: 11 Ways to be more Romantic to your Partner.
Final Thought
A healthy relationship is like a recipe with five essential ingredients. Just like how each part is important in a puzzle, these components are crucial for a healthy relationship.
Whether it’s a romantic relationship, a friendship, or even a business connection, these factors are crucial for a strong and thriving bond.
Keep these pieces in mind, and your relationships can be strong and happy.
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