You and your boyfriend have a healthy and active sex life, but you’ve noticed that he’s having a lot of nocturnal emissions, also known as wet dreams.
It’s not just an occasional thing either – it’s happening multiple times a week, to the point where you’re starting to wonder if something’s wrong.
Is he not satisfied s3xually? Is he secretly lusting after someone else?
Keep reading as we examine some potential reasons for your boyfriend’s frequent wet dreams and what you can do about it.
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Why Does My Boyfriend Keep Having Wet Dreams?

Here’s a look at some potential reasons for your boyfriend’s frequent wet dreams:
1. It’s Just His Biology
For many guys, having frequent wet dreams is just part of their biology. Studies show the average man has 3-5 erections per night in REM sleep, and nocturnal emissions happen when one of those erections results in ejaculation.
If your boyfriend tends toward the higher end of the spectrum when it comes to erectile frequency at night, wet dreams will be more common too.
Unless it’s excessive, it may just be his body’s way of maintaining healthy s3xual function.
2. He’s Going Through Puberty
Wet dreams increase dramatically for boys going through puberty. That’s because puberty sparks major hormonal shifts that amp up s3xual urges and activity, including nocturnal emissions.
If your boyfriend is a teen or in his early 20s, these lingering effects of puberty could explain the high incidence of wet dreams. They should taper off as his hormones balance out.
3. He’s Not Orgasming During Sex
Some men who don’t regularly orgasm during s3x end up having more nocturnal emissions as their body’s way of releasing pent-up s3xual tension.
If your boyfriend struggles to climax from intercourse or oral s3x, his wet dreams may be making up for that lack of daytime release.
Work on being more attentive to his pleasure zones during s3x to help him orgasm more easily.
4. He’s Under Major Stress
Stress and anxiety can also increase s3xual frustration which leads to wet dreams.
If your boyfriend is dealing with major pressure from work, family issues, or other stressors, his mind may be taking those feelings out in erotic dreams.
Try helping him manage stress with exercise, massage, or just an empathetic ear. As his stress decreases, the wet dreams should too.
5. He’s Consuming Sexual Content
Exposure to very arousing s3xual content during the day can stimulate erotic dreams at night.
If your boyfriend is masturbating to porn, racy magazines, explicit books, or other stimuli right before bed, it could be ramping up his nocturnal s3xual arousal.
Suggest limiting s3xual content before bed to see if it makes a difference.
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6. He Has a High Libido
Libido exists on a spectrum, with some people simply having more s3xual urges and stamina than others.
If your man tends toward the high libido end of the spectrum, his brain may conjure up more s3xual dream scenarios that lead to wet dreams.
As long as it’s not causing dysfunction, high libido, and more frequent wet dreams go hand in hand.
7. He’s Not Having Enough Sex
On the flip side, if life gets in the way and you’re having less frequent s3x, your boyfriend’s unfulfilled desires could play out in wet dreams.
When it’s been a few days since you’ve been intimate, his brain may seek release via nocturnal emissions. Scheduling a more regular couple times can help meet his needs.
8. He’s Sperm Loading
Some practitioners believe men can load up on sperm by abstaining from s3x for a period of time.
If your boyfriend recently stopped masturbating or having s3x with you in hopes of increasing his sperm count, the pressure has to get released somehow – hence the rise in wet dreams.
They should decrease if he starts having regular orgasms again.
9. He’s Hooked on Wet Dreams
Rarely, some men get psychologically hooked on the pleasurable feelings of wet dreams, to the point where they try to induce them through practices like lucid dreaming.
If you think your boyfriend is chasing these nocturnal orgasms on purpose, have an open conversation. Frequent wet dreams could begin interfering with your intimate life.
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Final Thoughts
While frequent wet dreams can feel disconcerting for you as a partner, in most cases they’re no cause for concern.
Try opening up the conversation with your boyfriend to understand what’s going on. Ruling out serious issues, you can both get used to this quirk of his biology.
And you’ll likely come away feeling reassured about your healthy s3x life together.
For more advice on maintaining intimacy in your relationship, visit!
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