Why Does My Boyfriend Not Care When I’m Upset?

Why Does My Boyfriend Not Care When I'm Upset?

Your boyfriend does not care when you are upset; you’ve likely been in this frustrating situation before When you’re feeling down or upset about something, you try to talk to your boyfriend about it, but he doesn’t seem to care. He brushes off your concerns or gets annoyed that you’re bringing this up, leaving you … Read more

Why Does My Girlfriend Always Have an Attitude?

Why Does My Girlfriend Always Have an Attitude?

Imagine this scenario: You’re spending time with your girlfriend, and no matter the situation, she always has an attitude. Whether you’re having a casual conversation, planning an outing, or simply enjoying each other’s company, her demeanor reflects a consistent display of frustration or negativity. It’s puzzling and can leave you feeling confused and even frustrated. … Read more