Signs the Kiss Meant Nothing to Him

Signs the Kiss Meant Nothing to Him

There is no worse feeling than finally kissing a guy you’ve fancied for a while, only to get the feeling that it didn’t mean anything to him, especially when it’s your first real kiss. 

But don’t worry, we’re here to help. In this article, we’ll explore some signs that suggest the kiss might not have meant as much to him as it did to you.

By recognizing these signs, you can better understand where you stand in your relationship.

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Signs the Kiss Meant Nothing to Him

Signs the Kiss Meant Nothing to Him
Signs the Kiss Meant Nothing to Him

Before you jump to any conclusions while emotions are still high, it’s best to take a step back and look at how he reacted to your kiss. Not just immediately after, but also in the days following.

To help you better understand what he felt about your kiss, here are signs the kiss meant nothing to him:

1. He Was the One Who Ended the Kiss

If he cut the kiss short, it’s a strong sign that he wasn’t into it. Maybe he realized in the moment that it was a mistake, or he simply didn’t feel anything.

Ending the kiss abruptly can leave you feeling confused and disappointed. It’s natural to wonder why he stopped it, especially if you were enjoying the moment.

2. He Turned Away After the Kiss

Turning away after the kiss might mean he didn’t want to continue the moment.

It could be a way to avoid any uncomfortable feelings or to signal that he wasn’t interested in taking things further.

When a guy turns away after a kiss, it’s like he’s creating distance and closing off the possibility of further intimacy.

3. He Starts Talking About Something Random

If he breaks the silence after the kiss with some inane topic, it’s a way of him trying to move on quickly and not make a big deal out of the kiss.

It’s like he’s trying to change the subject and distract both of you from what just happened.

By diverting the conversation to something unrelated, he’s avoiding any emotional discussion about the kiss and may not want to acknowledge its significance.

4. He Didn’t Hold You During the Kiss

If he’s not holding you and getting close to you, it’s still negative body language. Holding someone during a kiss can convey warmth, affection, and a desire for intimacy.

If he didn’t hold you, it suggests that he wasn’t fully invested in the moment.

Without that physical connection, the kiss may have lacked the depth and meaning you were hoping for.

5. He Hasn’t Tried to Talk About It Since It Happened

If he never mentions the kiss again, he was definitely not into it. Avoiding any discussion about the kiss could mean that he’s uncomfortable or unwilling to confront his feelings.

He may be hoping to brush it off and move on without addressing what happened.

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This lack of communication can leave you feeling confused and unsure about where you stand with him.

6. He Didn’t Make Eye Contact After the Kiss

Lack of eye contact can suggest that the kiss meant nothing to him and he felt uncomfortable.

Eye contact is a powerful form of communication, and by avoiding it, he’s avoiding a deeper connection with you.

If he avoids making eye contact after the kiss, it’s likely that he’s not interested in pursuing a romantic relationship with you.

7. He’s Been Texting You Less Since You Kissed

If he’s hardly texting you since the kiss, it didn’t mean as much to him as it did to you.

Before the kiss, you may have been exchanging messages frequently, but now there’s a noticeable decrease in communication.

This change in behavior could indicate that he’s pulling away or feeling less interested.

If the kiss had a significant impact on him, he would likely want to continue engaging with you through text.

8. You Feel Like He’s Avoiding You

If he’s avoiding you, it’s a strong sign that the kiss meant nothing to him and he doesn’t want to lead you on.

You may notice that he’s making excuses to not spend time together or seems hesitant to make plans.

His avoidance suggests that he’s uncomfortable confronting the situation and may be trying to distance himself from you emotionally.

It’s a clear indication that he’s not interested in pursuing anything further.

9. You’ve Asked Him How He Feels About You and He Didn’t Answer

If he doesn’t want to answer or gives you a vague answer, it’s not a good sign. After sharing a significant moment like a kiss, it’s natural to want to discuss feelings and expectations.

However, if he avoids the question or provides a non-committal response, it suggests that he’s not willing to open up about his emotions.

This lack of clarity can leave you feeling confused and uncertain about where you stand with him.

10. He Tells You That It Was a Mistake

If a guy tells you that kissing each other was a mistake, it’s clear that it didn’t mean much to him.

This direct admission indicates that he regrets the kiss and likely views it as an error in judgment.

While it may be painful to hear, his honesty provides clarity about his feelings and intentions.

It’s important to accept his perspective and recognize that he may not be interested in pursuing a romantic connection.

11. You See Him Flirting with Other Girls

If he’s flirting with other girls, then it’s clear the kiss didn’t mean much to him. Observing him engage in flirtatious behavior with other girls indicates that he is not invested in a romantic relationship with you.

His actions suggest that he is exploring other romantic interests and may not see you as a priority.

While it may be disheartening to witness, it’s important to acknowledge his lack of commitment and focus on finding someone who values and respects you.

12. You Find out He’s Kissed Another Girl Since He Kissed You

If he’s kissed another girl since he kissed you, it sounds like either it didn’t mean anything to him or he’s a player.

Learning that he has kissed someone else shortly after kissing you can be disappointing and may indicate that he is not serious about building a meaningful connection.

His behavior suggests a lack of sincerity and commitment, raising questions about his intentions and reliability.

It’s essential to prioritize your emotional well-being and consider moving on from someone who doesn’t value your feelings.

13. He’s Referred to You as A ‘Friend’ Since

If he’s calling you a friend, then it’s pretty clear that he doesn’t see you as anything more and the kiss was just a mistake.

When he labels your relationship as strictly platonic, it signals that he views you in a non-romantic light.

This shift in language can be disappointing, especially if you had hoped for something more.

However, accepting his classification can help you move forward and maintain a friendship if desired.

14. He’s Unfollowed You on Social Media

If a guy stops following you on social media, it’s a sign that he doesn’t really care about you and wants to distance himself from you.

Social media behavior can provide valuable insights into someone’s feelings and intentions.

Unfollowing you indicates a deliberate effort to create distance and disengage from your online presence.

While it may be hurtful, it’s important to recognize that his actions reflect his lack of interest in maintaining a connection with you.

15. You Can Just Feel It

Sometimes you’ll just know if a kiss meant something to a guy. Trust your intuition. Your intuition can be a powerful indicator of whether a kiss had significance for him.

Gut feelings and instincts often provide valuable insights into the sincerity and authenticity of a person’s emotions.

If you sense that the kiss didn’t hold meaning for him, it’s important to trust your instincts and acknowledge your own emotional response.

Recognizing and accepting your intuition can empower you to make decisions that align with your emotional needs and desires.


Will a Guy Kiss You if He’s Not Interested?

A guy won’t usually kiss unless he’s interested. However, if he doesn’t respond, he might have lost interest or is waiting to talk about it.

Do Guys Get Feelings After Kissing?

Yes, especially if they’re good at it. If you feel excited and dizzy after a kiss, you might be catching feelings. A passionate romance could follow.

Can Kissing Lead To Falling in Love?

Kissing doesn’t always lead to love. While it’s romantic, love involves more than just kissing. It’s a mix of emotions, experiences, and other factors.

Who Enjoys Kissing More?

Generally, females enjoy kissing more and may prefer to kiss for longer before moving on to other things.

Read Also: Why Does My Wife Kiss Her Friends at Parties?

Final Thought

When it comes to relationships, figuring out what a kiss means can be tricky.

But you can get a better idea of where you stand by paying attention to certain signs, like how your partner acts afterward or if they avoid talking about it.

Remember, trust your instincts and take care of yourself as you navigate the ups and downs of romance.

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