20 Very Real Soulmate Signs You’ve Met the One Destined for You

Whether you’re single or in a relationship, it’s always nice to know what to look for when finding your match. So let’s find out the very real soulmate signs you’ve met the one.

Fortunately, many of us unknowingly experience signs that can help lead us to our destined soulmate.

By understanding what these signs are, we’ll be able to spot them faster and take further action the next time we see them.

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Real Soulmate Signs You’ve Met the One Destined for You

Life is all about lessons. One of the most important in life is understanding who the right person for you is.

A lot of this determination depends on the signs that you have met the “One” for you. Here’s how to tell if you’ve met the right person:

1. Earlier Partners Fade Away

If you’ve met someone who feels like your soulmate, any past relationships will likely pale in comparison.

This is because you finally feel like you’re with someone who understands and accepts you for who you are.

With a soulmate, there’s a sense of ease and comfort that comes from being with someone who truly gets you.

2. You Feel Like You’ve Been Together Forever

If you’re wondering whether you’ve met your soulmate, here are some very real signs that you have.

You may feel like you’ve known each other forever, even if you’ve only been together for a short time.

You’re completely comfortable with each other and can be yourself around them. They make you feel happy and content just by being around them.

You have a strong connection and can communicate without words. You feel a sense of destiny or fate when you’re together.

If you’ve met someone who meets all these criteria, congratulations! You may have found your soulmate.

3. Sparks Fly

Sparks fly when you’re with your soulmate. You feel a strong connection to them and can’t imagine being without them.

There’s a sense of excitement and adventure when you’re together, and you can’t wait to see what the future holds for you both.

4. You Want to Be Better for Them

When you’re with your soulmate, you want to be the best version of yourself. You want to be a better partner, a better friend, and a better person overall.

This is because you know that they deserve the best and you want to give them nothing less.

5. You Are Honest With Them

You are completely honest with your soulmate. You don’t hold anything back, because you know that they will accept you for who you are, flaws and all.

They know all of your secrets and they love you anyway.

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6. You Are Completely Yourself Around Them

There’s no need to put on a persona or act like someone you’re not. They love you for exactly who you are. You can be yourself around them, no matter what.

You don’t have to worry about being judged or rejected. They will always love and accept you.

7. You’re Best Friends

When people meet the love of their lives, they often describe them as being their best friend.

This is because when two people fall in love, it’s natural for them to want to spend as much time as possible together and talk about everything under the sun — from politics to religion to their deepest secrets.

8. Shared Principles

If you’re wondering if you’ve met your soulmate, one of the best indicators is shared principles.

Do you both believe in honesty, communication, and compromise? Are you committed to working through difficult times together? Do you have similar spiritual beliefs?

If you can answer yes to these questions, you’ve likely found your soulmate.

9. You Involve Each Other in Your Decisions

If you’re in a relationship with someone and you’re always involving them in your decision-making process, it’s a good sign that they’re your soulmate.

You want to include them in every aspect of your life because you know that they’re an integral part of it.

They’re the one person who you know will always have your back, no matter what.

10. Talk Is Terrific

When it comes to finding a soulmate, talking is terrific! Those who are destined to be together will find that they can talk for hours on end and never run out of things to say.

They’ll enjoy discussing both the big and small aspects of life, and they’ll always be eager to learn more about each other.

This type of communication is the key to a lasting and fulfilling relationship.

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11. You Feel Complete

When you’re with this person, everything just feels right. In every way.

It’s not like you’re on a cloud or anything, but it’s a feeling that there is no other person who could ever make you feel this way.

And when they’re not around, everything feels wrong. You feel incomplete and lost without them there by your side.

12. You Do Things Together Effortlessly

You don’t have to think about what movie to watch or what restaurant to go to — it just happens naturally when you’re with this person because it’s fun and effortless!

It doesn’t feel like work or stress at all — it just feels like hanging out with someone who gets you and wants to hang out with you too!

13. You Inspire Each Other

This is one underrated sign you’ve met the one destined for you.

Some relationships that are matches made in heaven don’t project this sign, as it is not that visible.

It can be easily overlooked, but when you’re with that person destined for you, you’ll be motivated to be the best version of yourself.

14. You Can’t Imagine Life Without Them

Your love for each other is strong enough to withstand any challenges that may come your way.

You know that no matter what happens in your lives, you’ll be there for each other no matter what.

When they are gone from your sight or presence, you feel like something is missing in your life: The same feeling as when we miss our glasses or keys!

15. You Love Spending Time Together

Whether it’s going out to dinner or staying in and watching Netflix, there’s nothing better than spending time with the person who makes you happy.

Being able to laugh together, talk about everything under the sun, and simply enjoy being around each other are all signs that you’ve found someone worth sticking around for.

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16. You Love Spending Time Together

Whether it’s going out to dinner or staying in and watching Netflix, there’s nothing better than spending time with the person who makes you happy.

Being able to laugh together, talk about everything under the sun, and simply enjoy being around each other are all signs that you’ve found someone worth sticking around for.

17. You Inspire Each Other

When you can’t wait to see your partner, it’s a good sign. If you look forward to sharing your day with them and hearing about theirs, this is a sign that you’re meant for each other.

You’re not just in love with the person; you’re also inspired by them.

18. You’re Honest With Each Other

When you’re in a relationship with someone, it’s important to have good communication.

If you’re hiding things from your partner or lying about something, then there’s a problem.

When you meet someone honest with you and vice versa, then it’s easy to tell if they are the right one for you.

19. You’re Comfortable Around Each Other

It’s hard to be yourself when you’re around someone new. They could be judgmental or they could make fun of your personality.

But when you meet someone who makes you feel comfortable enough to be yourself all the time, then it’s easy to tell if they are the right one for you.

You won’t want to change anything about the person because they make you feel happy just by being themselves too!

20. You Care About Their Well-Being

When we care about someone else more than ourselves, then we know that we’ve found the person we want to spend our life with.

When we are genuinely concerned about what happens in their life and how they feel about it, then there isn’t any doubt that this person is meant for us! We love them so much that we would do anything for them.

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Final Thought

Now you know our top 20 very real soulmate signs you’ve met the one destined for you, and as we all know, there are few feelings in the world so powerful and encompassing as love.

When you find that person with whom you belong, the one person who makes you a better version of yourself—hold onto him or her and never let go.

We hope the above piece has given you clarity on the real soulmate signs you’ve met the one destined for you.


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