Your girlfriend is on her period. More often than not, you feel like you should do something to cheer her up. So, what are the ways to make her happy when she’s on her period?
Whether she’s in pain, bloated, or just feeling icky, these 11 ways will help her smile through this particular time of the month!
These simple tips aim to create a supportive and caring environment during this time.
Let’s dive into the world of thoughtful gestures and discover how to bring a smile to your partner’s face during her period.
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Ways to Make Her Happy When She’s on Her Period

1. Help Her With the Chores
One of the best ways to cheer up your girlfriend when she’s on her period is to help her with the chores.
Offer to take care of some of the things she has to do, such as cooking or cleaning. That will help to take some of the stress off of her.
2. Take Her Out for a Special Treat
Another great way to cheer up your girlfriend when she’s on her period is to take her out for a special treat.
That could be as simple as getting her favorite food or taking her to a movie. Just make sure that you do something that will make her feel special.
3. Give Her a Massage
Giving your girlfriend a massage is a great way to relax and make her feel better. Massages can help relax her muscles and ease any cramps or pains she might be experiencing during her period.
Try focusing on her back, neck, and shoulders. This will help to ease any tension that she may be feeling.
You don’t need to be a professional masseuse; a simple and gentle massage can do wonders.
4. Spend Time With Her
Sometimes, all your girlfriend needs when she’s on her period is some quality time with you.
Just spend some time talking with her or doing something together that she enjoys. That will help to take her mind off of things and make her.
5. Watch a Girly Movie or Cartoon With Her
There’s nothing like snuggling up with your girlfriend and watching a feel-good movie or cartoon when she’s on her period.
Whether it’s her favorite childhood movie or a new release, this will surely put a smile on her face. You can make some popcorn and turn it into a fun date night!
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6. Sing Her Favorite Song
Nothing will make your girlfriend feel better than hearing her favorite song. Belt it out at the top of your lungs, and she’ll be sure to crack a smile.
7. Take Her for a Walk
Getting some fresh air can do wonders for cramps and menstrual pains. Plus, it’s a great way to spend time together and get some exercise.
8. Make Her Favorite Food
Chances are, she will not be feeling very hungry when she’s on her period. However, making her favorite food can help to cheer her up and show her that you’re thinking of her.
9. Play Board Games With Her
Board games are a great way to take her mind off her cramps and bloating. Plus, it’s a fun activity that you can do together.
She might not be in the mood to play Monopoly, but there are plenty of other options like Ludo and Scrabble.
10. Dance for Her
If your girlfriend is feeling down during her period, one of the best things you can do is to dance for her.
Put on her favorite song and started dancing around the living room. That will cheer her up and make her forget her cramps and mood swings.
11. Cuddle With Her
Cuddling will show her that you care and want to make her feel better. You can also offer to do something nice for her, such as making her dinner or giving her a massage. Sometimes just being there for her and listening to her can help.
Another way to cheer up your girlfriend during her period is to buy her some flowers or chocolate. Something small but thoughtful can go a long way in making her feel better.
You could also take her out for a night on the town or do something fun together. Just remember to be understanding and patient with her during this time.
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Final Thought
We hope these tips have helped you figure out how to cheer up your girlfriend when she’s on her period.
Remember that every woman is different, so what works for one might not work for another.
Just be there for her and show her some extra love and care during this time, and she’ll appreciate it more than you know.
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