The thing about text is that you don’t have all the cues you need to keep a conversation going.
That’s why, in some cases, your text conversations tend to run out of steam pretty fast.
It is important to build an arsenal of conversational tools and patterns.
Have you ever found yourself in a text message conversation without anything to say?
In this article, we will discuss how to keep the conversation going when you don’t have anything to say.
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How to Keep a Text Conversation Going When You Don’t Have Nothing to Say

Below are my top picks of ways to keep a conversation going when you’ve nothing to say.
1. Be Yourself
When you’re getting to know someone new, it can be tough to keep the conversation going.
You want to make a good impression, but you don’t want to say the wrong thing and make things awkward.
If you’re struggling to find things to talk about, just be yourself. Talk about your interests, your job, and your hobbies.
Ask the other person questions about themselves. The more comfortable you are with the conversation, the easier it will be to keep it going. Just relax and let the conversation flow naturally.
2. Bring Up Details From Past Conversations
If you’re stuck in a texting rut, one way to get the conversation flowing again is to bring up details from past conversations.
This can be anything from a shared experience to something you found funny that happened to you recently.
By asking your partner about their day or what they’re up to, you can get the conversation going again in no time.
3. Don’t Multi-Text Them
It’s easy to think that the more you text someone, the more interested they’ll be in you. But actually, it’s the opposite.
If you’re constantly bombarding them with messages, you’re just going to come across as needy and desperate.
So take a step back, and only text them when you have something interesting to say. Otherwise, you’re better off just letting the conversation die.
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4. Use Memes
When you don’t have anything to say in a text conversation, one thing you can do is use memes.
Memes can be a great way to keep a conversation going, and they can also help you bond with the person you’re talking to.
If you’re not sure what a meme is, it’s an image or video that has been shared online, often with humorous or sarcastic captions.
You can find memes on websites like Pinterest or Tumblr, or you can even create your own.
Just make sure that the memes you use are appropriate for the person you’re talking to, and that they won’t be offended by them.
5. Talk About Life
When you don’t have anything to say, one option is to talk about your life. You can share stories about your day, your week, or anything else that’s going on in your life.
This can help keep the conversation going and give you both something to talk about. You can also ask questions about the other person’s life to keep the conversation going.
6. Be Patient
It can be difficult to keep a text conversation going when you don’t have anything to say. The key is to be patient.
Don’t be afraid of silence, it can be a great opportunity to think of something interesting to say.
If you’re struggling, try asking your conversation partner a question or two. Once the conversation gets going, it will be much easier to keep it going.
7. Be Open Minded
The best way to keep a text conversation going is to be open-minded. Be willing to share your thoughts and feelings, and don’t be afraid to ask questions.
Be interested in what the other person has to say, and show that you care about the conversation.
If you’re not sure what to say, ask a question or comment on something you noticed in the conversation. Most importantly, relax and enjoy the conversation.
8. Make Sure It Goes Both Ways
If you’re having trouble keeping a text conversation going, it might be because you’re not doing your part.
It takes two to keep a conversation going, after all. So make sure you’re not the only one doing all the work.
Ask the person questions and wait for them to respond. And when they do respond, take the time to reply. Don’t just fire off one-word answers or short phrases.
That’ll just make the conversation fizzle out quickly. Keep it going by being engaging and interested in what your friend has to say.
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9. No One Worded Answer

When you’re having a conversation with someone, there’s always something to say. But when you’re texting? Not so much.
Never make the mistake of sending one-word responses (“ok,” “Sure,” “lol”), it kills the conversation fast.
10. Ask Questions
If your friend is telling you about their day or an event they’re going to, ask them about it.
It shows interest in what they’re talking about and makes the conversation more interesting for both of you.
You could also ask follow-up questions based on what they’ve already said (“So, how did it go?” or “What was the funniest part?”).
This is especially helpful if they haven’t responded yet, since as long as they respond with an answer, it will keep the conversation going.
11. Use Filler Words and Phrases
Phrases like “yeah,” “mmhmm” and “oh really?” can help keep the conversation going even when neither of you has anything new to say at that moment in time.
They let your friend know that you’re paying attention.
12. Share Something About Yourself
If you’re struggling to think of something to say, try sharing something about yourself.
This can be anything from a funny story to what you’re doing today.
This not only adds a personal touch but also provides fresh content for the discussion.
13. Compliment the Other Person
Who doesn’t love a compliment? If you’re struggling to think of something to say, try complimenting the other person.
It’ll make them feel good and might even keep the conversation going for longer than you thought it would.
14. Ask for Advice
Asking for advice is a great way to keep the conversation going. You can ask about the other person’s opinion on something, or you can ask for advice on a personal problem.
It’s also a good way to get the conversation back on track if it has gone off-track and is losing momentum.
Asking for advice can be an opportunity for you to learn more about the other person as well.
When they give their advice, they’ll often give some background information into why they are giving that advice in the first place. You might learn something new or interesting about them that way.
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Final Thoughts
Be honest, keep it brief, and try to talk about topics that you think will interest them. That’s the easiest way to keep a text conversation going without coming off as phony.
Remember, people can tell if you are making stuff up and if you take the time to find out something about your friend or co-worker, you have a much better chance of keeping the conversation going.
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