Why Does My Boyfriend’s Shirts Smell So Good?

Why Does My Boyfriend's Shirts Smell So Good?

You lean in for a hug, and that familiar, delicious scent envelops you. So, why does your boyfriend’s shirts smell so good? When his shirt smells incredible like fresh laundry dried in a summer breeze or warm cookies just out of the oven. You can’t get enough of breathing it in. But why does his … Read more

Why Does My Boyfriend Scratch His Balls So Much?

Why Does My Boyfriend Scratch His Balls So Much?

You notice your boyfriend scratch his balls so much and wonder if this is normal or wrong? Rest assured; there are some common, benign reasons for your man’s itchy privates. While an occasional scratch here and there is no cause for concern, excessive scratching could point to a medical issue needing attention. Understanding the potential … Read more