What is Banter? How to Use it to Flirt Like a Pro 

What is Banter? How to Use it to Flirt Like a Pro

If you’re curious about what banter is, it’s essentially a light and playful exchange between people who are already familiar with each other or can serve as an excellent ice-breaker between strangers. Playful banter doesn’t necessarily have to be romantic or sexual, but it can become a powerful tool for flirting, especially when combined with … Read more

48 Tinder Conversation Starters & Secrets to Get Them Itching to Respond

48 Tinder Conversation Starters & Secrets to Get Them Itching to Respond

Tinder conversation starters: Nowadays, it’s become increasingly difficult to make genuine connections with people, especially with the influx of online dating platforms like Tinder. How do you capture someone’s attention in a sea of potential matches? The answer is simple – conversation starters.  You can spark someone’s interest and excite them to engage with you … Read more