Paying back student loans can be a huge financial burden for many people, especially if you don’t know your loan interest deduction income limits.
The interest that accumulates on student loans can add up over time. Luckily, a tax deduction allows you to deduct up to $2,500 of the interest you pay on student loans each year. This can provide some welcome tax relief.
However, income limits may reduce or eliminate your ability to claim the student loan interest deduction.
So before you claim the deduction on your tax return, it’s important to understand the income phase-outs and whether you will qualify based on your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI).
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Income Limits for the Student Loan Interest Deduction

The student loan interest deduction is a “below-the-line” deduction, directly reducing your taxable income rather than your adjusted gross income (AGI).
For 2022 taxes, here are the income limits:
- Single filers – The deduction is reduced when your MAGI is between $70,000 and $85,000 and eliminated if your MAGI is $85,000 or more.
- Married filing jointly – The deduction phases out between $145,000 and $175,000 MAGI and is eliminated when MAGI reaches $175,000 or higher.
- Head of household – The phase-out range is $70,000 to $85,000, with the deduction disappearing at $85,000 MAGI.
- Married filing separately – You cannot take the deduction if your MAGI is $10,000 or more.
As you can see, the income limits are higher for married joint filers, while married filing separately filers get the shortest end of the stick.
How the Income Limits Work
The student loan interest deduction doesn’t just suddenly disappear as soon as you hit a certain income level. Instead, it phases out gradually for middle-income taxpayers.
For example, you’re a single filer with $80,000 in MAGI. The standard income limit for the full $2,500 deduction is $70,000.
But you can still take a partial deduction since single filers’ phase-out range goes up to $85,000.
Specifically, you can deduct 20% of the maximum $2,500 limit or $500. That’s because your $80,000 MAGI is 20% into the phase-out range between $70,000 and $85,000.
The phase-out works similarly for married joint filers and head of household statuses.
If your income is in the phase-out range, calculate what percentage you are between the top and bottom of the range.
That same percentage of the $2,500 limit will be your student loan interest deduction amount.
Strategies for Qualifying for the Deduction
If it looks like your MAGI will exceed the limits for claiming the full student loan interest deduction, there are a few strategies you could consider to try to reduce your income on paper and qualify:
- Contribute more pre-tax dollars to retirement accounts like 401(k)s and traditional IRAs to reduce your AGI.
- If you have children, contribute more to tax-advantaged 529 college savings plans.
- See if you can bunch certain tax deductions like charitable contributions into one year to reduce AGI.
- Talk to your employer about adjusting your tax withholding to have less income tax removed from each paycheck.
- Work overtime or freelance earlier in the year, and cut back hours later in the year if it will push you into a lower bracket.
- If you’re self-employed, carefully manage the timing of your income and expenses.
The goal is to get your MAGI down as far as possible. Of course, you’ll want to run the numbers in both scenarios to see if the tax savings outweigh the costs of these strategies.
But they are worth considering if you want to qualify for the student loan interest write-off.
Other Student Loan Tax Benefits
Besides the student loan interest deduction, there are a few other tax-related benefits for student loan borrowers:
- If your employer pays for any of your student loan costs under their student loan repayment assistance program, you can exclude up to $5,250 per year from your taxable income. This limit applies to both student loan payments and tuition assistance.
- Suppose you or your children have student loans forgiven under an income-driven repayment plan after making 20-25 years of payments. In that case, the amount forgiven is generally tax-free at the federal level.
- If you’re a teacher, you may qualify for up to $17,500 in tax-free student loan forgiveness after five years through the Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program.
- If you take out federal or private student loans, the interest can be deducted from your tax return without needing to itemize. This applies to loans used for qualified higher education expenses.
So be sure to explore all the options for reducing the tax hit from your student loans. The interest deduction is the main one, but the others can also help maximize your tax savings as a student loan borrower.
Changes to Income Limits in Future Years
The student loan interest deduction income limits have remained unchanged for many years.
But there is always the possibility that Congress could modify them in future tax legislation.
For example, they could decide to either expand the limits to let more middle-class taxpayers qualify. Or the limits could be reduced further to only benefit lower-income taxpayers.
It’s hard to predict if or when any changes might happen. Your best bet is to check the IRS website each year for official updates on the income limits for claiming the student loan interest deduction.
The rules can also differ if you claim the deduction directly on your tax return versus going through a tax preparation program.
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Plugging the Numbers Into Your Tax Return
When you sit down to prepare your taxes each year, here’s how you claim the student loan interest deduction (based on the 2022 Form 1040):
- Make sure you have Form 1098-E from your student loan servicer. This shows the total interest you paid during the tax year.
- Calculate your MAGI based on your AGI plus any adjustments or exclusions.
- Check the income limits to confirm you qualify for the deduction based on your filing status.
- If your MAGI falls in the phase-out range, calculate the percentage reduction to determine your maximum deduction amount.
- On your Form 1040, enter the student loan interest deduction amount on line 21 under “adjustments.”
- The deduction will be subtracted directly from your taxable income.
Be sure to keep accurate records of your student loan interest payments if you need to prove eligibility for the deduction. Contact a tax professional if you need clarification on any part of the calculation.
The Benefits of Claiming the Deduction
Assuming you qualify based on your income, claiming the student loan interest deduction can lower your tax bill in a few ways:
- It directly reduces your taxable income, which could drop you into a lower tax bracket.
- The deduction amount could help maximize other tax credits like the Lifetime Learning Credit with income limits.
- You avoid paying income tax on up to $2,500 of your student loan interest.
- You still reduce your taxable income by the prorated amount if you don’t qualify for the full $2,500 deduction.
To understand the potential tax savings, you can multiply your deduction amount by your marginal tax rate.
For instance, if you are in the 22% bracket and deduct $2,000 in interest, that would reduce your tax bill by $440 ($2,000 x 22%).
Every dollar counts when paying back student loans. So, take advantage of the student loan interest deduction if you qualify. It provides valuable tax relief for millions of student loan borrowers each year.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Is Modified Adjusted Gross Income (Magi) Calculated?
MAGI starts with your regular adjusted gross income (AGI) from your tax return. Then you add back certain deductions and exclusions like:
- Foreign earned income exclusion
- Foreign housing exclusion
- Exclusion of income from Puerto Rico
- Exclusion of income from American Samoa
Be sure to calculate your MAGI carefully, determining eligibility for the student loan interest deduction.
What Types of Student Loans Qualify for the Interest Deduction?
The interest paid on the following types of education loans is eligible:
- Federal loans like Direct Loans, Perkins Loans, and PLUS Loans
- Private student loans from banks and other lending institutions
- Loans from schools and educational institutions
- Refinanced and consolidated student loans
The interest can qualify for the tax deduction if the loans were used for higher education expenses.
Are There Any Changes for Married Couples Filing Separately?
Unfortunately, married taxpayers who file separate returns cannot claim the student loan interest deduction if their MAGI is $10,000 or more.
So, couples may want to run the numbers jointly vs. separately to see which allows them to utilize the deduction. Filing jointly may result in greater tax savings.
What Expenses Don’t Qualify for the Interest Deduction?
You cannot deduct interest paid on loans not used for qualified higher education expenses.
For example, interest on loans taken out for the following does not qualify:
- Living expenses unrelated to education
- Non-tuition costs like transportation, insurance, etc.
- Loans for programs below college level (like high school or vocational training)
The loan proceeds must be used to pay for tuition, fees, room and board, books, supplies, equipment, and other costs at an eligible postsecondary school.
Are There Tax Benefits for the Principal Loan Amount?
Unfortunately, you cannot deduct any of the principal amount you repay on your student loans—only the interest portion qualifies for the tax deduction. Principal payments help reduce the overall loan balance.
No other tax incentives are related to the principal you repay each year. The student loan interest deduction is the main tax benefit for student loan borrowers.
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Final Thought
Understanding the income limits associated with the student loan interest deduction is essential for anyone managing student loan debt.
These limits are crucial in determining eligibility for this valuable tax benefit. While the deduction can provide financial relief for many borrowers, it’s important to stay informed about any changes in the limits, as they can impact your ability to claim this deduction.
By staying up-to-date and making informed financial decisions, you can make the most of available tax benefits and effectively manage your student loan debt.
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