Regarding relationships, we all want to feel secure about our feelings. But it can be hard to tell if you like a guy, especially if you don’t know the signs. Do you feel a special connection, or is it just a passing fancy?
Does he have qualities that make you want to get to know him better? Is it time to take the plunge and talk to him?
To help you figure out your feelings, here are 22 signs to look out for to tell if you like a guy and some helpful advice on what to do next.
So, relax and take a deep breath, and let’s start exploring the exciting world of romance.
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The 22 Signs to Tell if You Like a Guy

1. You Get Butterflies When You See Him
One surefire sign that you like a guy is that you get butterflies in your stomach when you see him.
This physical reaction is usually a sign of strong attraction, which may mean that you feel a deep connection with him.
2. You Pay Attention to Him
If you find yourself paying extra attention to the guy you like, it could signify that you’re smitten. This could include noticing how he talks, how he dresses, or how he carries himself.
3. You’re Always Thinking About Him
If he’s the first thing that comes to mind in the morning or the last thing you think about before sleeping, it’s a good sign that you’re in love.
4. You Get Shy Around Him
If you find yourself getting tongue-tied around the guy you like, it could signify that you’re attracted to him.
This is especially true if you’re usually confident and outgoing in other situations.
5. You’re Protective of Him
If you want to protect the guy you like, it could signify that you’re developing strong feelings for him.
6. You’re Excited When He’s Around
If you feel an extra burst of energy when the guy you like is around, it could be a sign that you’re in love.
7. You Want to Impress Him
If you want to make a good impression on the guy you like, it’s probably a sign that you’re in love.
8. You’re Interested in His Interests
If you find yourself interested in the things that the guy you like is interested in, it’s probably a sign that you’re in love.
9. You’re Curious About Him
Whether asking him questions or researching him online if you want to know more about him, it’s probably a sign that you’re in love.
10. You Get Jealous
If you feel jealous when the guy you like talks to other girls, it could be a sign that you’re in love. This is especially true if you’re usually different from the jealous type.
11. You Feel an Intense Connection
If you feel a strong and intense connection with the guy you like, it could be a sign that you’re in love.
12. You’re Always Looking For Excuses to Talk to Him
If you find yourself looking for any excuse to talk to the guy you like, it could be a sign that you’re in love.
Whether it’s finding an excuse to text him, email him, or talk to him in general, if you’re always looking for ways to start conversations with him, it’s probably a sign that you’re in love.
13. You’re Always Trying to Make Him Laugh
If you find yourself trying to make the guy you like a laugh, it could be a sign that you’re in love.
Whether it’s cracking jokes or just trying to make him smile, if you’re always trying to make him laugh, it’s probably a sign that you’re in love.
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14. You’re Always Trying to Spend Time With Him
If you find yourself always trying to spend time with the guy you like, it could tell that you like the guy.
Whether it’s making plans to hang out or just randomly running into him, if you’re always trying to spend time with him, it’s probably a sign that you’re in love.
15. You Get Nervous When He’s Around
This could happen in different ways, such as getting tongue-tied or feeling like you can’t think straight when he’s around.
16. You Can’t Stop Smiling When You’re With Him
If you find yourself smiling uncontrollably when the guy you like is around, it could be a sign that you’re in love.
17. You Always Want to Know What He’s Doing
If you always want to know what the guy you like is doing, it could be a sign that you’re in love.
18. You Get Excited When He Talks to You
If you get excited when the guy you like talks to you, it could be a sign that you’re in love.
19. You Feel Like You’ve Known Him Forever
Whether it’s because of the conversations you’ve had or the connection you feel if you’ve known him for years, it’s probably a sign that you’re in love.
20. You Can’t Stop Blushing When He’s Around
If you observe yourself blushing when the guy you like is around, it could be a tell sign that you like the guy. This is especially true if you’re usually different from the blushing type.
21. You Get Excited When He Touches You
You could explain this as feeling a rush of electricity when he holds your hand or feeling like you can’t keep your heart from racing when he puts his arm around you.
22. You Feel Like You Can Be Yourself Around Him
Whether it’s because you feel comfortable talking to him or because you feel like you can trust him, if you feel like you can be yourself around him, it’s probably a sign that you’re in love.
What You Should Do ASAP if You Like Guy
Recognizing these signs could signify that you’re in love with the guy you like. The best thing to do is to talk to him and get to know him better.
Be honest and open with your feelings; don’t be afraid to take the plunge and make the first move. Be brave and confident, and you might find yourself falling in love.
Read Also: How to Tell Him You Need More Attention
Final Thought
Understanding your feelings can be complicated, but paying attention to these 22 signs can help you to tell if you like a guy.
Once you’ve established your feelings, you must consider what you want to do next. You can either express your feelings to the guy directly, continue getting to know him and see where things go or take time to reflect on your emotions.
Whatever path you choose, it’s crucial to be honest, and respect your feelings.
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