Signs a Guarded Woman Is Falling in Love

Signs a guarded woman is falling in love

A guarded person is someone who’s built emotional walls to protect themselves. They’ve often been hurt in the past and are scared of getting hurt again. 

These folks might seem distant or closed off, but deep down, they still want love – they’re just extra careful about it.

Guarded people have learned to be cautious in love. 

They might push others away when they get too close. It’s not that they don’t want to open up – they’re just trying to protect their heart.

Now, let’s look at some signs that a guarded woman might be falling for you:

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Signs a Guarded Woman Is Falling in Love

Some women build walls around their hearts to protect themselves. They’ve been hurt before and don’t want it to happen again. 

But even guarded women can fall in love. Here are some signs that a careful woman might be opening up to love:

1. She Spends More Time With You

A guarded woman usually likes being alone. She’s careful about who she lets into her world. If she starts wanting to hang out with you more often, it’s a big deal.

Maybe she suggests coffee dates or wants to watch movies together. She might even cancel other plans to see you. This shows she enjoys your company and is choosing to let you into her life more.

2. She Shares Personal Stories

Guarded people don’t open up easily. They keep their thoughts and feelings private. If she starts telling you about her childhood, her dreams, or her fears, it means she’s starting to trust you.

She might share stories about her family, talk about her job struggles, or tell you about her past relationships. When she does this, she’s letting you see the real her, bit by bit.

3. She Remembers Little Things About You

When someone pays attention to small details, it shows they care. A guarded woman who’s falling for you will remember things you might not expect.

She might surprise you by remembering your favorite ice cream flavor, or the name of your first pet.

She could bring up something you mentioned weeks ago. This means she’s listening closely and values what you say.

4. She Lets Her Guard Down

Guarded people often try to seem tough or in control. If she starts to act silly or playful around you, it’s a good sign. She might laugh more freely, make jokes, or show you her clumsy side.

Maybe she sings off-key in the car with you or dances goofily in the kitchen. This means she feels safe enough to be her true self around you, without fear of judgment.

5. She Gets a Bit Jealous

A guarded woman usually tries to seem cool and unbothered. But if she’s falling for you, she might show signs of jealousy. This doesn’t mean she’ll be controlling or angry.

It might be subtle, like asking more questions about your female friends or coworkers. She might seem quieter when you talk about other women.

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This jealousy comes from fear of losing you, which shows she cares about your relationship.

6. She Asks for Your Opinion

When a guarded woman starts asking what you think, it’s a big step. She might ask your advice about work problems, family issues, or even small things like what outfit to wear.

This shows she respects your thoughts and wants you involved in her decision-making. It’s her way of saying, “Your ideas matter to me.” She’s letting you into her world and showing that she values your perspective.

7. She Makes an Effort to Look Nice for You

Guarded people often don’t like drawing attention to themselves. If she starts dressing up when you’re going to meet, it’s a clear sign she cares what you think.

Maybe she wears that dress she knows you like, or she puts on makeup even for a casual hangout. This extra effort shows she wants to impress you and make you notice her. It’s her way of saying, “I care about how you see me.”

8. She Texts or Calls Just to Say Hi

A guarded woman doesn’t reach out unless she has a reason. If she starts sending you random messages or calling to chat about nothing important, it means you’re on her mind.

She might share a funny meme, ask how your day is going, or just say “hi.”

These little check-ins are her way of staying connected to you, even when you’re apart. It shows she’s thinking about you and wants to keep in touch.

9. She Talks About the Future

Guarded people often live in the present to protect themselves from disappointment. If she starts including you in her future plans, it’s a big deal.

She might talk about concerts next month, or even vacation ideas for next year. Maybe she asks if you’ll be her plus-one at a wedding months away.

When she does this, she’s showing that she sees you as a part of her life going forward. It’s a sign she’s starting to let go of her fears about the future.

10. She Shows Care in Small Ways

Guarded women often express love through actions rather than words. Look for little things she does to make your life better or easier.

She might remember you mentioned liking a certain snack and buying it for you.

Perhaps she offers to help you with a task she knows you don’t enjoy. She could send you encouraging messages when you’re having a tough day.

These small acts of kindness are her way of showing she cares about your happiness and well-being.

11. She Acts Childish Herself to Get Your Attention

A guarded woman usually tries to appear mature and composed. If she starts acting playful or silly around you, it’s a sign she’s comfortable. She might tease you, make funny faces, or play little pranks.

This childish behavior is her way of trying to catch your eye and make you smile. It shows she’s letting her walls down and wants you to see her fun side. She’s trying to create special, lighthearted moments with you.

12. She Thinks of You Before Anyone Else

When a guarded woman starts putting you first, it’s a big change. She might check if you’re okay before thinking about herself.

For example, if you’re both caught in the rain, she might worry about you getting wet before thinking about her own comfort. She could ask if you’ve eaten before mentioning she’s hungry.

This shows you’re becoming a top priority in her mind. It’s her way of showing care without having to say it out loud.

13. She Makes You a Priority in Her Life

Guarded people often keep others at arm’s length. If she starts rearranging her life to include you more, take notice.

She will adjust her schedule to spend time with you and choose to hang out with you instead of her usual friends. Also, she starts including you in important events or family gatherings.

When she does this, she’s showing that you’re becoming an important part of her world. It means she’s willing to change her routines to make space for you in her life.

14. She Might Get Angry Because She Expects Love and Affection From You

This one can be tricky. A guarded woman doesn’t easily show that she needs affection. If she starts getting upset when you’re not as attentive or affectionate as she expects, it means she cares deeply.

She might seem irritated if you don’t call when you said you would, or if you don’t notice something new about her. This anger comes from disappointment – she’s started to hope for your love and attention.

It shows she’s developed expectations in your relationship, which means she’s emotionally invested.

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Final Thoughts 

Remember, a guarded person falls in love slowly and carefully. They’ve been let down before, so they’re watching your actions more than listening to your words.

They’re looking for someone who will fight to break down those walls.

If a guarded woman is showing these signs, it means she’s starting to trust you. She’s letting you see the real her, bit by bit. It’s a big deal for her to open up like this.

So if you’re interested in a guarded woman, be patient. Show her through your actions that you’re trustworthy. Understand that her caution comes from a place of self-protection, not a lack of interest.

Have you experienced any of these signs with a guarded person? Or are you a guarded person yourself? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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