My Husband Is Addicted to Having Sex with Me: 7 Ways to Cope

My Husband Is Addicted to Having Sex with Me 7 Ways to Cope

How do you cope if it seems your husband is addicted to having sex with you?

He is constantly craving intimacy and you’re wondering if he might have a “sexual addiction”. Take a deep breath—there’s no such thing as being addicted to a specific person in this way.

It’s natural for a husband to desire his wife, and there’s nothing wrong with him wanting to be close to you. 

However, mismatched sex drives can sometimes cause stress in a relationship.

A sex drive mismatch happens when one person wants to have s3x more or less often than their partner. 

S3xual desire is a natural part of a person’s life, but it varies from person to person. What’s normal for one might not be normal for another, and that’s okay. 

If you feel like your husband has a much higher s3x drive than you, it can be challenging to find a balance. 

This can lead to frustration or misunderstandings, but it’s something you can manage together.

In this article, we will explore ways to cope with a husband’s high s3x drive and find a balance that works for both partners.

Read Also: Why Does My Boyfriend Insist on Missionary Position During S3x?

Difference Between a Sex Addict and a High Sex Drive 

My Husband Is Addicted to Having Sex with Me 7 Ways to Cope
My Husband Is Addicted to Having Sex with Me: 7 Ways to Cope

Firstly, it is crucial to differentiate between a s3x addict and someone with a high s3x drive. 

S3x addicts often betray their values and integrity by seeking s3xual gratification outside of their relationship. 

On the other hand, individuals with a high s3x drive may simply have a strong desire for s3xual intimacy within their committed partnership.

How to Cope with a Husband Who Is Very Sexually Addicted to You

If you feel that your husband’s high s3x drive is causing discomfort or imbalance in your relationship, here are some ways to cope: 

1. Find a Compromise

One way to handle this difference is by agreeing on a number. Ask your husband how many times he would like to have s3x each week and share your number too. 

Then, add those numbers together and divide by two. This gives you a middle ground, a compromise that both of you can aim for.

2. Set a Date for Intimacy

Planned s3x might not sound romantic, but it can actually help. If you agree on specific days for intimacy, it can relieve pressure on the other days, knowing you both have set times to connect. 

It also allows you to build anticipation, making the experience more enjoyable.

3. Increase Non-Sexual Physical Touch

Sometimes, couples stop touching each other casually because it often leads to s3x. To change this, agree that not every hug, kiss, or cuddle will lead to s3x unless you both want it to. 

This can help you feel more comfortable with physical affection without feeling pressured. Plus, it can deepen your emotional bond.

4. Find Creative Ways to Maintain Intimacy 

If you’re not in the mood and he is, you might consider alternative ways to satisfy his needs. 

For instance, you could offer a handjob, oral s3x, or let him enjoy some other form of intimate contact that feels comfortable for both of you. 

Many couples learn to adapt to each other’s needs over time, finding creative ways to maintain intimacy.

4. Communicate Openly and Honestly

Talking about your needs and desires is crucial. Be honest with yourself and your husband about how you feel. 

If there’s a difference in your s3xual desires, discuss it calmly when neither of you is asking for or denying s3x. 

This helps you both understand each other better and find a solution that works for both of you.

Read Also: Why Does My Boyfriend S3xually Tease Me and Then Say He’s Too Tired?

5. Don’t Take It Personally

It’s easy to feel hurt or rejected if your partner doesn’t want s3x as often as you do, or vice versa. 

But try not to take it personally. Your husband’s higher s3x drive isn’t about you not being attractive or desirable, and your lower drive doesn’t mean you don’t love him. It’s just a difference in your needs.

6. Work Together as a Team

The key to handling this situation is to work together. Instead of seeing it as a problem, view it as an opportunity to grow closer. 

By understanding each other’s needs and being willing to compromise, you can create a s3xual relationship that satisfies both of you.

7. Seek Professional Help

If the mismatched sex drives are causing significant stress and strain on your relationship, it may be beneficial to seek help. 

Professional guidance from a marriage counselor,  a sex addiction specialist, or a sex therapist can help both partners understand each other’s needs better and find effective solutions to address the issue.

They can help explore whether this trait is an addiction, conditioning, wiring, or a combination of factors.

My Husband Is Addicted to Having Sex with Me: 7 Ways to Cope


Why Is My Husband Asking About the Number of Partners I Had Before Him?

Your husband asking about your past sexual partners can come from different reasons, often tied to his own insecurities or a wish to feel closer to you.

He might feel unsure about his own sexual experience or performance and is comparing himself to your previous partners, which can lead to jealousy or feeling like he doesn’t measure up.

Sometimes, he may be looking for reassurance that your relationship is special and valued, even with your past experiences, as understanding your past might make him feel more secure in your relationship.

Talking about past sexual experiences might seem like a way for him to connect with you on a deeper level, but this can be tricky if it leads to judgment instead of understanding.

If his questions feel too much or uncomfortable, it might show a need to control or monitor your past, which could stem from issues with trust or possessiveness and create problems in the relationship.

Sometimes, these questions also come from traditional views about sexual history, where the number of partners is wrongly linked to a person’s worth or character.

Is It Wrong if I Don’t Share My Past Sexual History With My Husband?

It’s important to have boundaries in a relationship. If you’re uncomfortable sharing these details, that’s okay. 

Healthy communication is about mutual respect, not about feeling pressured to share things that make you uncomfortable. 

If your husband insists, it’s essential to discuss why he feels it’s necessary and to set boundaries that make both of you feel respected and secure.

Am I a Sex Addict if I Want to Have Sex With My Wife Every Day?

Wanting to have s3x with your wife daily doesn’t make you a s3x addict. It simply means you enjoy being intimate with the person you love. 

As long as both of you are happy and comfortable with the frequency of your s3xual activities, it’s perfectly normal. 

Addiction is about an uncontrollable need that disrupts your life, not about a healthy and loving s3xual relationship.

Is It Normal to Feel Pressured by My Husband’s High Sex Drive?

Yes, it’s normal to feel pressured if your partner’s s3x drive is much higher than yours. The important thing is to address these feelings openly. 

Discussing your needs and setting clear boundaries can help reduce pressure and create a more balanced and satisfying relationship for both of you.

Read Also: What Turns Women On? 45 Traits to Turn Girls on S3xually & Emotionally

Final Thoughts 

Coping with a husband’s high s3x drive requires open communication, understanding, and a willingness to find a balance that satisfies both partners’ needs

It’s important to recognize that what you’re experiencing is not unusual, and your husband’s desire for you is a sign of his attraction and love. 

However, it’s equally important to address your own needs and ensure that you both feel satisfied and happy in your relationship. 

Communication is key—talk to your husband about how you feel and explore ways to bring more non-s3xual affection into your relationship. 

If needed, seek the help of a therapist who can guide you in finding a healthy and fulfilling balance that works for both of you.

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