You’ve heard them all before at the bar – cheesy, terrible pick up lines that make you cringe.
While having a sense of humor is admirable, some lines miss the mark.
In this mega list, we cover 100 of the absolute worst, most corny pick up lines out there guaranteed to make anyone roll their eyes.
Read on for a good laugh!
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100 Cringe Pick Up Lines That Are Just Bad

Don’t say we didn’t warn you, these are terrible cringe pick up line to ever use on a woman:
1. Do you have a map? I just got lost in your eyes.
Overused and super cheesy, this line never works in the real world.
2. Are you from Tennessee? ’Cause you’re the only Ten-I-See.
Bringing geography into pickup lines is always a no.
3. Nice shoes. Wanna fuck?
Brutally blunt with no charm or tact. This approach fails miserably.
4. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
Angelic metaphors are too corny and on-the-nose.
5. I wish I was cross-eyed so I could see you twice.
Juvenile wordplay won’t impress anyone beyond middle school.
6. My love for you is like diarrhea, I just can’t hold it in.
Gross bathroom references have no place in seduction territory. Yuck.
7. Are you from Mississippi? ‘Cause you’re the only miss whose pisses I’d sip.
Taking gross lines to new lows of cringe and disrespect. Hard no.
8. I may not be a genie, but I can make your wishes cum true.
Trying too hard with forced innuendo lands this in the toilet.
9. Damn, if being sexy was a crime, you’d be guilty as charged!
Criminal/law enforcement metaphors are worn out and cheesier than Kraft singles.
10. Is your name WiFi? Because I’m feeling a connection.
Tech lingo pickup attempts rarely charm in the modern world. So dorky.
Corny Pick Up Lines
Sometimes corny pick up lines can end up being funny pick up lines but don’t take such a chance. Avoid these corny lines as much as you can:
11. Hey, I lost my teddy bear. Can I sleep with you instead?
Trying to pass off as cute but comes across as genuinely creepy and unsettling. Yikes.
12. Do you have a band-aid? I scraped my knee falling for you.
Pain and injury references intertwined with romantic overtures miss the sweet spot.
13. Are you made of copper and tellurium? ‘Cause you’re cute.
Nerdy science pick up lines will earn eye rolls, not phone numbers.
14. Is your dad a drug dealer? Cause you’re dope.
Drug culture references are tasteless and likely to offend. Absolute cringe.
15. Are you from Paris? ‘Cause Eiffel for you.
City pick up lines bringing wordplay to new lows of groan-worthy.
16. My love for you is like diarrhea, I just can’t hold it in.
Repugnant bathroom references have zero charm or allure for potential partners. Yuck.
17. You must be Jamaican, because Jamaican me wild.
Tired ethnic stereotypes are never okay for pick up lines or anything else. Big no.
18. Are you from Tennessee? Because you’re the only Ten I See.
Geography one-liners usually miss, this is no exception to corny rules.
19. Is your name Google? Because you’ve got everything I’m searching for.
Tech references trying too hard for cleverness backfire without wit or originality.
20. Did you fall from heaven? ‘Cause your face looks a little messed up.
“Compliments” that actually insult won’t charm anyone with functioning social skills. Duh.
Godawful Pick-Up Lines
Hmmm whatever you do, don’t say this to a woman or anyone:
21. I wish I was your derivative so I could lay tangent to your curves.
Math pickup attempts = major eye rolls and groans of secondhand embarrassment. Yikes.
22. Hey, I seem to have lost my phone number. Can I have yours?
Old reliable cheesy line tries and fails to resuscitate itself through overuse.
23. Are you religious? ’Cause you’re the answer to all my prayers.
Faith references miss the mark for flirty pickup attempts ninety-nine percent of the time.
24. You must be a broom, cause you just swept me off my feet!
Household item metaphors don’t translate to romantic charm or appeal. What were they thinking?!
25. I’m no Superman, but I can uncover your secrets and fantasies.
Trying way too hard with forced superhero double entendres is too cringey for words.
26. On a scale of 1 to America, how free are you tonight?
Ethnic or nationality innuendos are never okay for pick ups or in general. Major fail.
27. If I said you have a beautiful body would you hold it against me?
Cheesy hypotheticals thinly veiling creepy intentions don’t fly in real interactions. Hard pass.
28. My love for you is like diarrhea, I just can’t hold it in.
Using bathroom functions to describe romance causes nothing but nausea and disgust. Yuck city.
29. Do you have a Band-Aid? I scraped my knee falling for you.
Trying to injure oneself for a pickup is corny, awkward, and a epic social skills fail. hard no.
30. Are you sitting on the F5 key? Because that ass is refreshing.
Tech/object metaphors intermingled with anatomy references cross so many cringe lines. Shudders.
Terribly Cringe Pick Up Lines
Yup, some lines are bad and will never be any good.
31. Roses are red, violets are fine, you’ll be the 6 and I’ll be the 9.
Forced rhyming cringefests belong in elementary school, not dating scenarios. Hard pass.
32. If you were a booger, I’d pick you first.
Using mucous/illness imagery in flirtation severely backfires into barf territory every time. Yuck.
33. Is your name Olaf? Cause I’m melting looking at you.
Disney references as pick ups are corny, and this “Frozen” one doubly so due poor wordplay execution. Cringe.
34. Is your name Grape? ‘Cause you look refreshing.
Fruit pick up metaphors sour quickly into unfortunate sexual double meanings. Major facepalm.
35. Your legs must be tired, cause you’ve been running through my mind all day.
Leg/physical activity lines try too hard while accomplishing so very little. Weak sauce.
36. On a scale of 1 to America, how free are you tonight?
Nationality pick ups relying on crass implications almost always miss the charming mark. Yikes.
37. Is your name WiFi? Because I’m feeling a connection.
Tech references in dating attempts signal a serious lack of authentic human interaction skills. Woof.
38. Do you have a map? I just got lost in your eyes.
Overly romanticized eye contact metaphors bring the cringe tenfold through overuse. We see right through you, buddy!
39. Are you made of copper and tellurium? ‘Cause you’re CuTe.
Nerd pickup attempts to land in major miss territory without real chemistry or charisma to back them. Lawd.
40. I’m no photographer, but I can picture us together.
Forced artsy lines try too hard with results falling far short of charming or original. No Bueno.
20 Worst Pick Up Lines
41. Do you like raisins? How do you feel about a date?
Forced food/date segues come off strange and lack genuine flirtatiousness or charm. So awkward!
42. If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put U and I together.
Alphabet wordplay lines might’ve been okay for 5th grade, but adults see right through this cheese. Yiiiiikes.
43. Are your parents art thieves? Cause you’re a masterpiece.
Creative profession pick ups are rarely smooth and this one’s no exception. Cringetastic.
44. My love for you is like diarrhea, I can’t hold it in.
Repeating vomit-inducing bathroom pickup lines earns a special place in hell. How is this not obvious?
45. Are you a beaver? Cause damn!
Animal references as flirtation don’t sound good.
46. Are you made of beryllium, gold, and titanium? Because you’re Be-Au-Ti-Ful!
Science pick ups are major cringe, and this element wordplay bombs even harder through lousy execution. Yowza.
47. I wish I was your derivative so I could lay tangent to your curves.
Math pick up lines only impress other math nerds, not potential partners. Extremely dorky and miss the mark.
48. Girl, are you sitting on the F5 key? ‘Cause that ass is refreshing.
Tech object metaphors mixed with bodily references epitomize TMI levels of cringe. So much nope.
49. You must be tired because you’ve been running through my mind all day.
Physical activity pick up lines lack authentic charm while trying way too hard. Major flop.
50. You remind me of my pinky toe – cute, small, and I’m probably going to bang you on my coffee table later.
Forced body part references hastily veering into crude territory offend and repulse rather than attract. What a disaster!
51. If I told you that you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?
Hypothetical pickup attempts thinly masking likely creepy intentions earn nothing but scorn. Awful idea, 0/10 execution.
52. Is your name Google? Because you’ve got everything I’m searching for.
Tech references in dating come off unoriginal, dorky, and void of authentic emotional connection. Epic fail.
53. Are you Wikipedia? Because I’m constantly editing you.
Forced info database metaphors fall painfully flat without redeeming wit, charm, or cleverness. Yikes city, population: you buddy!
54. I want to live in your socks so I can be with you every step of the way
Low-effort footwear pickups lack humor, romance, or finesse. Just weird, cringey vibes all around.
55. I’m no vet but I’d like to give you a check up.
Medical profession pick up lines epitomize the worst kind of cringe. Gross, unfunny, doomed fail.
56. Do you have any raisins? No? How about a date?
Forced food/date segues are so awkward, stale, and devoid of genuine flirtatious spirit. No one’s charmed, pal!
Absolute Worst Pick Up Lines
All I can say is good luck to you if you use these lines on someone:
57. Are you from Iraq? Cause I want to Baghdad ass up.
Ethnicity/nationality pick ups relying on crude intentions cross so many societal lines. Yikes times a million.
58. My love for you is like diarrhea – I just can’t hold it in.
Bathroom organ function references will eternally equal peak levels of vomit-inducing cringe. Learn boundaries, geez!
59. If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put U and I together.
Forced alphabet wordplay soared and crashed harder than Icarus on this soggy, cheesy mess of a dating attempt. Awful.
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60. You Must be from Japan because I can totally see myself in Ja-Panties!
Forced ethnic stereotypes belong in the trash, not charming pick up lines. Respect other cultures, my guy! Major fail.
61. Damn girl, are you a beaver? Cause dam!
Animal references in pick ups epitomize maximum cringe without a drop of finesse. Yowzer, buddy, read the room!
62. Girl, I wish you were my little toe so I could bang you on the coffee table later.
Veering crudely into unwanted physical territory sinks this line to new depths of repugnant socially oblivious disaster. dry heaves
63. If I could piss myself would you piss yourself too? Let’s piss together!
Bathroom-centric imaginary scenarios are the stuff of nightmares, not flirtation. Someone, please take this person’s phone, stat!
64. My love for you knows no bounds, kind of like a golden shower.
Kinks or niche interests have zero place unsolicited in pickup lines, duh. Beyond cringe and inappropriateness. Yuckaayan.
65. Do you have any Native American in you? Want some?
Flirting that relies on offensive ethnic assumptions/stereotypes invokes nothing but absolute revulsion and secondhand embarrassment. Just no.
66. Your eyes are like the ocean, I’m tryna take a dip.
Anatomical objectification under the guise of compliment is supremely creepy, violative, and repellent. Major violation of boundaries and dignity. Shut it down!
67. Excuse me miss, was your daddy an alien? Cause there’s nothing else like you on Earth!
Forced sci-fi/astronomy double entendres epitomize peak-level cringe. This person never evolved past middle school levels of “wit”. How tragic and cringe!
68. You must be a drill sergeant because you’ve got my privates standing at attention!
Military pickup lines are usually a miss, but this one nosedives straight into sexual harassment caverns of unfunny, crass, and socially unaware offenses. Big yikes!
69. Girl, I wish you were my little toe so I could bang you on all the furniture in the house.
Blatant objectification thinly veiled as humor is the definition of vile, unacceptable behavior. Respect people, not pieces of meat! Learn some decency dude, goodness.
70. Do you like raisins? How do you feel about craisins…in bed?
Forced food segues devolving lewdly epitomize supreme levels of socially inept, boundary-violating cringe without a drop of charm. Read the friggin room pal!
71. Do those legs go all the way up? Let me find out!
Physically motivated come-ons heavily relying on objectifying strangers’ bodies are a serious social faux pas and too skeevy for words. major CREEPY vibes dude, ew.
72. My love for you is sweeter than a chocolate-covered steak.
Food combination pick up lines backfire tenfold due to the sheer bizarreness and ick factor. What were they thinking?! Cringetopia material right here folks. dry heaves
73. If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put D and I together.
Forced alphabet innuendos bomb without wit, nuance, or respect for the other person’s dignity and experience. Super yucky turn off, pal. Flop city!
74. Do you like movies about gladiators? Wanna wrestle?
Creative professionals pick up lines almost always miss, and this one ranks among the worst of the worst. Extremely weird and in poor taste, buddy. Major L.
75. Do you have any Native American in you? Want some more? Wink wink.
Inappropriate ethnicity pickup attempts rely on harmful stereotypes. Beyond cringe and unacceptable. Do better, pal! Yikes a million.
76. I wish I was DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes.
Science pick ups are major cringe nine times out of ten.
77. Do you have a sunburn or are you always this hot? Let me rub some cream on you
Physical touch pick ups without consent epitomize unacceptable, creepy behavior for flirting. Massive invasion of boundaries, my guy. Yuck city!
78. A y chromosome? I wish I had one of those so I could sperm whale you all night long!
Forced biological double entendres bomb tenfold due to sheer skeeviness without a drop of humor or charm. Hard nope, buddy. Read the air!
79. If I were an enzyme, I’d be DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes.
Science pick ups are supremely dorky without genuine attraction or chemistry. This one sinks further due to crude intentions. Big miss, pal!
80. Your body is 65% water and I’m thirsty. Wink wink.
Physically motivated come-ons heavily relying on objectifying strangers are a serious social faux pas. Creepy vibes dude, read the room!
81. Are those space pants? Cause your ass is out of this world!
Astronomy pick ups bomb without wit or nuance, and this objectifying mess hits new lows. Major cringe-fest, buddy. Whiff city population: you!
82. Is your name winter? Because you’ll be coming soon.
Season/weather pick up lines epitomize maximum cheese without charm. This one bombing even harder thanks to crude intentions. Yikes a million, pal!
83. Did it hurt when you fell from Tennessee? Cause your face looks pretty messed up.
“Compliments” which actually insult cross serious lines. Complete miss of social cues, buddy. Major awkward city here!
84. Are you made of Fluorine, Iodine and Neon? Cause you Fine!
Science pick ups are dorky without genuine spark. Forced elements wordplay here comes off super cringe. Hard nope on this landing, friendo!
85. I’m no weatherman, but you can expect more than a few inches tonight.
Forced meteorology double entendres bomb due to overt crudeness without charm or humor. Majorly uncomfortable vibes dude, not okay!
86. I may not be a genie, but I can make your wishes cum true.
Forced magic/fantasy metaphor severely backfires into crude territory. Lack of craft and respect earned this an instant spot in cringetopia, pal! Yikes city.
87. Are you made out of nuts and bolts because I’d love to assemble you!
Tech object metaphors in dating make for supremely awkward, dorky vibes without genuine spark. Epic miss on this one, friend!
Bad Chat Up Lines
Texting cringy pick up lines doesn’t make it any better. No matter what don’t send these lines:
88. Girl, are you sitting on the F5 key? Cause that ass is refreshing.
Computer references mixed with anatomy descriptions are the textbook definition of unfunny, objectifying cringe. Major whiff, dude! Read the room!
88. Are your legs tired? Cause you’ve been running through my mind all day 😉
Physical exertion pick up lines epitomize maximum corny cheese without charm. Supreme cringe fest achieved, my friend! Woof city.
89. Do you have a map? I just got lost in your eyes heart eyes emoji
Eye contact pick ups are sappily corny on their best day due to overuse. Using emojis escalates this into a mega cringe avalanche! Yikes a million, pal.
90. If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put U and I together ?
Forced alphabet wordplay trying way too hard to be cute. No finesse or authenticity, just extra layers of agonizing secondhand embarrassment. Ooof size: large!
91. Is your name DHL? Because I can’t wait to handle your package ?
Shipping company pickups don’t fly without wit or allure. Let’s just say this crude attempt bombed harder than the Hindenburg. Major disasters all around!
92. Do you like raisins? How do you feel about craisins…in bed? ??
Food pickup lines devolving lewdly epitomize supreme levels of socially inept boundary-violating cringe. There are truly no words for how painfully awkward this lands. Woof!
93. If I had a penis, I’d bury it deep inside you all night long baby ??
Unwanted explicit come-ons belong nowhere and violate dignity/consent entirely. Beyond inappropriate and skeevy, dude. Learn boundaries ASAP!
94. Your body is 65% water and I’m thirsty ???
Physically motivated pickups objectifying strangers deserve nothing but scorn. Creepiness tenfold, pal. Read hint: respectfulness and consent should always come first!
95. Damn girl, are you a school? Cause I wanna shoot some kids in you ???
Tragedy references invade horribly poor taste territory without an ounce of cleverness or charm. Epic social skills fail here, buddy! Yikes to the max.
96. Do you have any Native American in you? Want some of this white man inside you? ??
Offensive ethnicity pick ups relying on crude intentions cross too many societal lines. Beyond inappropriate and just flat-out disrespectful, pal. Gross fails all around!
97. Girl, you must be Jamaican cause you’re jammin’ me wild in the bedroom ???️
Forced ethnic stereotypes belong nowhere, especially vulgar pick up attempts. Massive cringe and failure achieved, buddy. Tragic lack of social awareness on full display, unfortunately. Woof!
98. When I see your body, all I can think about is meatloaf ?
Food innuendos devolving into anatomy objectification epitomize supremely gross, unfunny creepiness without consent or charm. Hard yuck and massive miss, pal! Disaster pickup territory achieved, nice work…?
99. Are you from Iraq? Cause I wanna Baghdad ass up in bed ????
Nationality pickups relying on crude intentions cross far too many lines into offensive territory. Beyond inappropriate and disrespectful, my friend. Do better next time, sincerely!
100. Wanna smash? ?
Blunt, unsolicited come-ons get you nowhere fast without finesse or chemistry. The least you could do is show some genuine interest and respect in getting to know people.
Consent and consideration should always come first dude, not just hitting people up outta the blue like that. Massive fails all around, but it’s never too late to learn from mistakes and do better!
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Final Thought
And there you have it – 100 of the absolute cringe, terrible pick up lines out there that are sure to make anyone roll their eyes into the next decade.
While having a sense of humor is always a good quality, these sorts of overly cheesy, forced, objectifying, or just plain inappropriate pick up attempt nearly always backfire without genuine chemistry, interest, or respect for the other person.
The key takeaways for effectively chatting someone up are showing authentic interest in getting to know them as an individual, expressing straightforward but considerate compliments, respecting boundaries, and social/situational cues at all times.
Consent, respect, and reading the room should always come before anything even remotely crude or disrespectful.
And don’t try so hard to be “clever” – real attraction and flirtation happen naturally through authentic connection, not cheesy gimmicks.
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