Negging: What it is and How to Respond to it

Negging: What it is and How to Respond to it

Negging can gradually erode self-esteem and have lasting impacts on a person’s life.  It may escalate into severe emotional or physical abuse and can occur in various relationships, such as with parents, bosses, co-workers, friends, or romantic partners. It’s important to realize that even though negging isn’t physical, it can still be a form of … Read more

50 Hope Messages for Finding Light in Darkness

50 Hope Messages for Finding Light in Darkness

In times of darkness and uncertainty, hope messages are a guiding light that brings solace, inspiration, and motivation to those finding an escape.  Hope messages can uplift spirits, instill positivity, and remind us when there is life there if hope. Also, life has more meaning and you are loved by the universe. We will provide … Read more

The Power of Dating Books: How Reading Can Help You Find Love

The Power of Dating Books How Reading Can Help You Find Love

Dating books have helped many people find love, rekindle romance, and build their confidence in dating. When it comes to finding love, countless dating apps, websites, and services are available. However, one often-overlooked resource for finding love is the humble book. In this article, we’ll explore the power of dating books and how reading can … Read more

Dating 3 Months After the Death of a Spouse [Moving On After Loss]

Moving On After Loss: Dating Three Months After the Death of a Spouse

Moving on after the loss of a spouse can be a challenging and emotional journey. For many people, the thought of dating 3 months after the death of a spouse can be overwhelming and rightfully so. However, for some, dating 3 months after the death of a spouse can be a positive step towards healing … Read more

Dating Myself: Why It’s Important and How to Do It

Dating Myself: Why It's Important and How to Do It

When we think of dating, we often think of going out with someone else. However, there is another type of dating that is just as important – Dating Yourself. Dating yourself means taking the time to prioritize your needs and desires and treating yourself with the same care and attention you would give to a … Read more

How Much is Emotional Distress Worth?

How Much Is Emotional Distress Worth

How much is emotional distress worth: Emotional distress can be an incredibly difficult and painful experience to go through. It can be a feeling of deep grief, sadness, or despair that can leave a person feeling hopeless and helpless. Emotional distress can result from a traumatic experience, a major life event, or a combination of … Read more

Questions to Ask a New Friend: 85 Ways to Feel Like BFFs in No Time

Questions to Ask a New Friend

Meeting someone new can be a thrilling yet daunting experience. You want to get to know this person, but how? What questions can you ask a new friend? Starting a conversation and connecting with someone on a deeper level takes time and effort. Knowing what questions to ask can be difficult, especially when you want … Read more

85 Texting Conversation Starters To Get People’s Attention & Quick Replies

Texting Conversation Starters

Welcome to the world of texting, where the conversation can be as lively as a party or dull as a rock depending on your texting conversation starters. If you’re looking for the perfect way to start a conversation with a special someone, you’ve come to the right place. We’re here to provide you with the … Read more

How to Start a New Life Without Sacrificing Everything You Have

How to Start a New Life Without Sacrificing Everything You Have

Starting a new life can be daunting, so it’s important to approach it positively. The start of a new life doesn’t have to mean sacrificing everything you have. However, it can be an exciting opportunity to create something new and work towards achieving your goals. With the right attitude and a little planning, it’s possible … Read more

Emotionally Damaged: How People Get That Way, 26 Signs & How to Heal From It

Emotionally Damaged

It can be painful to watch someone struggle with the effects of being emotionally damaged. It can be even harder to watch when that person is someone you care about, and you feel powerless to help. But there is hope. With the right information, support, and understanding, it is possible for people to heal from … Read more