As life goes on, there are a lot of things to be grateful for, and we think of ways to express gratitude. Life has its ups and downs, no doubt!
Sometimes life’s journey might be so rocky, and the raging storms of life might overshadow you. You need to find ways to express gratitude every day of your life.
And other times, when things in your life may be so good and wonderful, you also forget to be grateful and express sincere gratitude for them each day.
So, how can you keep this attitude going despite life’s challenges? Explore our tips on ways to express gratitude each day to live a more fulfilled life.
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Ways to Express Gratitude

Expressing gratitude for the things you have, opens doors for more and better things in your life. For instance, if you are a parent and endeavor to be a good father or mother to your child or kids.
And your child or kids opens up daily by always telling them how great a father/mother you are to them and how they are so blessed to have you in their lives.
It brings a kind of glow and warmth to your heart and soul. And you would strive by all means to always ensure they are provided for and happy and do not lack anything whatsoever.
But yet, they fail to at least appreciate and express gratitude to you for being a good father/mother.
Even when you do all your possible best and always go out of your way to buy them new shoes, nice clothes, give them upkeep money, etc.
And they fail to tell you, at least, they appreciate all you do and are so grateful. You would certainly feel terrible, and sometimes ask yourself if you’re not doing much as a parent.
The above instance can happen in any relationship or aspect of life. Whereby you feel you went out of your way to make, something worthwhile happen for someone.
And they didn’t even say a word of gratitude to you. Or even acknowledge what you did for them. It can be painful.
Expressing gratitude for a kind gesture being done does not necessarily mean it has to be a kind of monetary compensation. Or one is expected to announce it to the world and all.
But at least to open up and verbally tell the person or write to the person by saying am grateful for what you did.
If not for your stepping in when you did, I wondered where and what would have been the outcome of my land mower, my job, my bank account, etc.
Expressing gratitude is not a trait or a value everyone is born with or has mastered over the years.
But as long as one is alive, there’s always room to learn, unlearn some things,v and be a better version of yourself.
By expressing gratitude each day, you would be doing it for yourself. Because the benefits are for your good and not you doing it to favor someone else.
Below are Ways to assist you on how to express Gratitude each day;
1. Verbally Speak Out on Things You Are Grateful for to Any Higher Power You Believe In
Different forces and energy control the earth. Some have Christian faith, others Muslim faith, others are Buddhist, etc.
Nonetheless, no matter the higher power you might believe in, endeavor to at least spend some moments alone each day, especially in the wee hours of the day.
To speak to that higher power and express your gratitude for what you’re grateful for.
This way, the universe will open its windows more for you. And would pave the way for better things to enter your life because you did a simple thing to at least acknowledge the little things you have.
This is a very important way of expressing gratitude as you start your day each day.
2. Always Remind Yourself Where You’ve Been and Where You Are Now
Life is in stages, no doubt. Your life may have been terrible in yesteryears. Whereby you may have had very little to eat, fewer clothes to wear, and not a dime to your name.
But nature smiled at you, and you are at least very comfortable now and can afford a thing or two with ease, or even much more than you have ever imagined.
When in this position, don’t forget how you were before now and the things you went through.
Express gratitude for those things each day, because they propelled you into being better and not being relegated to the background that you once were or may have grown up in.
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3. Count Your Blessings
Blessings are all around you. Even though you might be facing some trying times, there are so many things to express gratitude for.
These things could range from your ability to be alive, at least. Ability to still talk. Your ability to read and understand everything you’ve read in this post so far.
You give out a lovely smile, the sound of your laughter to a silly joke, and a lot more. Most times, life and fate may throw bricks at you. And dare you to be good and upright, but the more you open your inner eyes.
And express your gratitude and appreciation for all the small and big blessings around you. The more you will have much more to express gratitude for.
4. Count Your Challenges
Challenges do not elude anyone in life. Everyone has one or two obstacles or challenges to overcome at one point or another.
Hence, acknowledging your challenges and things that made you think outside the box and be grateful for them at least; would enable you to see the beauty in the things of life and help you express more gratitude for them.
5. Remind Yourself of Your Victories
Remember, no matter how stormy it is; there will surely be a calm. Hence irrespective of what life has thrown at you in times past, you found a way through the storms and are where you are today.
You find a way and be above those obstacles that stand in your way. It wasn’t by your strengths but through some higher power that didn’t let you down or make you slip off.
Therefore, endeavor to always express your victories in times past. By doing so, it will help you grow stronger and help you appreciate your victories more.
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6. Verbally Express Your Gratitude to Those Who Have Been Nice to You in Times Past
Life can be mean sometimes. In which you don’t get to see, meet, or even find someone who would want to assist or even be nice to you occasionally willingly.
But by peradventure, Divine grace brought someone your way to assist you without hoping or expecting anything back in return.
You should by all possible means, sincerely express your gratitude to them every now and then.
By willingly and genuinely telling them, if not for what they did, you often wonder what would have been the outcome of the project they assisted you with that turned out right, etc.
This would gladden their hearts toward you, and they would want to do more for you whenever the need arises.
7. Also Express Gratitude to Those Who Had Turned You Down in Times Past
I am certain you will be asking; why do you need to express gratitude to those who had turned you down in past times?
Well, you need to because if not for the fact that they turned you down. You wouldn’t have been able to at least think outside the box.
And tell yourself you need to pull yourself from the ground and stand on your feet no matter what!
Those who turned you down at one point or another were only there to make you appreciate life more.
And enable you to express more gratitude for the little and great things you may/might have.
8. Be Always Mindful to Express Gratitude for Your Family, Friends, Marriage, Relationship, Children, Spouse, Etc
Looking around you, you would see some individuals don’t have a family of their own. To at least love them and share a fun time with them, but you do.
Some individuals may not have true friends, but you have true friends who care greatly about you. And are there for you whenever you need them.
A few folks might not be as lucky as you’re to have a great spouse/partner, but you do. While other individuals may not have a wonderful Marriage/Relationship, yours is a great one to emulate others.
Therefore, I endeavor to express gratitude for these things. Even though you might feel they are so little and not such a big deal.
But they are some great deal to other individuals who wish to have all that is listed above daily but are not opportune to.
9. Strongly Guard Your Thoughts and Emotions When Things Don’t Go as Expected
Life can be unsettling sometimes. And things may end up not as you expect or want. Many feelings and thoughts start flooding your mind and emotions at that moment.
Do you start feeling bad about why you didn’t pass an exam you so much prepared for? On how you didn’t get that promotion you worked yourself out for.
You ask yourself, what went wrong that you didn’t win that scholarship you applied for, and more?
But remember, you didn’t get to this present position by your power and capabilities. But through hard work, determination, resilience, and grace.
Hence, also trust in that higher power that has brought you where you are also to take you to the next phase when the time is right, and the waves are friendly.
Do not let your emotions and thoughts get a hold of you to start feeling ungrateful. Remember, in all things, endeavor to express gratitude.
No matter what the present situation/s you might be going through at the moment.
10. Make Up Your Mind to Always Express Gratitude No Matter What Happens
Determination is key to opening doors! If you make up your mind to do something, and you do it/them rightly, in the short or long run, it will yield many more blessings for you.
Remember, if you don’t, you might not see the beauty of the wonderful things in your life and how rich you are for the things you have.
Hence, make up your mind today to express gratitude each day, for you must do so.
Read Also: 50 Affirmations of Gratitude
Final Thought
No matter what you face in life, whether good or bad, you need to always find ways to express gratitude.
We hope you have learned ways to always remain grateful no matter the circumstances.
Don’t forget to engage us in the comment section below if you have any questions for us, also share with your family and friends on all your social media platforms.
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