The Raging Storm Too Shall Pass

Raging storms can come at any stage in life. They mostly come when you are in the middle of something great.

Life is most times not fair, and most times, it doesn’t go how we want, expect, plan, or envision.

You ask yourself if there’s something wrong with you, Or the odds are against you, or there are things you ain’t doing right.

But you know what? Just like storms don’t last forever, tough times in life also pass.

So how can we face and overcome the raging storms in our lives, find hope and strength to move forward?

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The Raging Storm Too Shall Pass

When you ask yourself if the heavens will ever smile at you, at least? Well, I want to encourage you today that you are strong, you are good, you are great, and you can do much more than you can ever imagine.

If only you would hold on until the raging storm stops and not give up on yourself!

Each stage in life comes with a raging storm in different dimensions. The raging storms in life are just like the Rainfall.

Most times when it’s about to rain, there are foreseen signs to warn you about the impending rain.

Most times, there are no signs at all. Yet when it comes, we don’t frown and say all sorts.

You embrace it and think about how best to use the rain to your advantage, either to go into it using an umbrella, a raincoat or what have you.

Hence, the choice is yours today to either take advantage of your present raging storm and learn what you can from it. At the same time, waiting patiently for the sunshine.

Because no matter how it rains and how ragingly stormy the storm might be, always have it and know that the raging storms too shall pass.

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Words to Encourage Yourself During Hard Times

During challenging times, it’s essential to uplift yourself with words of encouragement. Here are some affirmations and words of comfort to inspire strength and resilience:

  1. “This too shall pass.” Remember that difficulties are temporary, and you have the strength to overcome them.
  2. “I am resilient and can face any challenge with courage.” Acknowledge your inner strength and ability to navigate tough situations.
  3. “I am not alone; I have the support of friends, family, and my inner strength.” Lean on your support system and acknowledge the strength within you.
  4. “I trust in my ability to find solutions and make positive changes.” Believe in your problem-solving skills and resilience to overcome obstacles.
  5. “Every setback is a setup for a comeback.” View challenges as opportunities for growth and eventual success.
  6. “I am capable, strong, and deserving of happiness.” Remind yourself of your capabilities and your inherent worthiness of a fulfilling life.
  7. “I choose hope over fear; I choose positivity over negativity.” Cultivate a mindset of hope and positivity to navigate through difficult times.
  8. “I release what I can’t control and focus on what I can.” Let go of things beyond your control and channel your energy into actions you can take.
  9. “Every challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow.” Embrace difficulties as chances for personal development and wisdom.
  10. “I am not defined by my circumstances; I am defined by how I respond to them.” Your response to challenges shapes your character and resilience.
  11. “I am proud of the progress I’ve made, and I will continue moving forward.” Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small, and keep moving toward your goals.
  12. “My past does not dictate my future; I have the power to create positive change.” Focus on the present moment and the choices you make to shape a brighter future.
  13. “I am stronger than I think, and I can overcome anything.” Challenge self-doubt and acknowledge your inherent strength.
  14. “I choose self-compassion over self-criticism.” Be kind to yourself during difficult times and recognize that everyone faces challenges.
  15. “I am a survivor, and I will emerge from this stronger and wiser.” Affirm your resilience and ability to overcome adversity.

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Final Thought

Be encouraged at all times, no matter the storm you are passing through at this stage of your life, be rest assured that the raging storm, too, shall pass.

Remember, it’s okay to seek support from others, and taking care of your mental and emotional well-being is crucial during tough times.

If you have any questions, please leave them in the comment section below, and don’t forget to share them with your family and friends on all your social media platforms.


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