Paying off student loans can be a huge financial burden for many Americans, with interest rates gradually increasing, which is why many students seek loans with 0% interest.
The average student loan debt in 2023 for a graduate is over $30,000, according to
While this figure is for people who took federal student loans, those who opt for private loans owe almost twice this amount.
With interest rates on federal student loans ranging from 4-7%, that debt can grow substantially over the ten or twenty-year repayment period.
However, there are times when your federal student loans will have a 0% interest rate.
Understanding when you may qualify for 0% interest and how to maximize the benefits can help you pay off your loans faster and save money.
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When Student Loans Have 0% Interest

There are two main times when your federal student loans may temporarily have a 0% interest rate:
During the Grace Period
After you graduate from college, you usually have a six-month grace period before repaying your federal student loans.
You will not be charged any interest on your loans during this time. This grace period gives you some time to find a job and get financially settled before your payments begin.
Take advantage of those six months to pay down as much of the principal on your loans as possible since no interest will accumulate.
During Deferment
If you meet specific eligibility requirements, you can temporarily postpone or reduce federal student loan payments through deferment.
Some common reasons for deferment include economic hardship, continuing education, or active military service.
During an eligible deferment, the government pays your interest on subsidized loans, so you have 0% interest during your deferment period.
For unsubsidized loans, you are responsible for the interest that accrues.
How to Maximize the Benefits of 0% Interest
To save money and pay off your student loans faster, strategically utilize the 0% interest periods.
Here are some tips:
1. Pay Down Principal
Focus on paying down as much of the principal balance as possible when your loans are 0%. This will reduce the total amount you have to repay.
2. Stop Auto-Payments
Temporarily suspend your auto-debit payments before a 0% interest period starts. Then, you can only make manual payments when you have extra funds to pay the principal.
3. Consider Refinancing
If you have private student loans, see if you qualify to refinance them at a lower rate during 0% periods on federal loans. This can help you get a lower rate beyond the 0% interest period.
4. Change Repayment Plan
Enrolling in an income-driven repayment plan can give you lower required monthly payments to free up more money to pay down the principal during 0% interest times.
5. Use Windfalls
Tax refunds, work bonuses, gifts, etc., can provide great opportunities to make extra principal payments when your loans have 0% interest.
6. Set Payment Reminders
Mark your calendar for when grace or deferment periods end so interest doesn’t unexpectedly start accruing again without making payments.
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Other Ways to Minimize Student Loan Interest
In addition to maximizing 0% interest periods, here are a few other tips for minimizing the interest you pay on student loans:
- Make payments right after graduation before the grace period ends
- Enroll in auto-pay to get a small interest rate deduction on federal loans
- Claim the student loan interest deduction on your taxes if eligible
- Consolidate or refinance loans to get a lower interest rate.
- Pay a little extra each month to reduce the principal faster.
- Ask your servicer about discounted interest rates for on-time payments
Frequently Asked Questions
What Types of Federal Student Loans Are Eligible for 0% Interest Periods?
Both subsidized and unsubsidized Direct Loans are eligible for 0% interest during the grace period after graduation and eligible deferment periods. PLUS loans also have 0% interest during deferment.
When Does the 6-Month Grace Period on Student Loans Start?
The grace period starts the day after you graduate, leave school, or drop below half-time enrollment status. You do not have to request it – it is automatically applied.
What Should I Do During the Grace Period?
Make payments toward your principal balance, even though the required payments are not due yet. This will reduce the total interest you pay over the life of the loan.
Is Deferment the Same as Forbearance?
No. Deferment allows you to temporarily postpone payments, while forbearance pauses or reduces payments due to financial hardship. 0% interest generally only applies to deferment.
How Do I Apply for Deferment on My Student Loans?
Contact your loan servicer directly and explain your situation to determine if you qualify. Reasons may include unemployment, economic hardship, continuing education, etc.
Do Private Student Loans Ever Have 0% Interest Periods?
Unfortunately, 0% interest periods only apply to federal student loans. Private lenders do not offer similar incentives.
Should I Refinance to Get a Lower Interest Rate?
It depends. Refinancing federal loans into a private loan would disqualify you from 0% interest periods and federal loan protections.
But refinancing in a 0% interest period can sometimes get you a better long-term rate.
What if I Can’t Afford Payments When 0% Interest Periods End?
Contact your servicer to discuss options like income-driven repayment plans, which base payments on income and family size. This can help keep loans affordable.
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Final Thought
A 0% interest rate on your student loans can be hugely beneficial if leveraged correctly.
Be informed about when you may qualify for 0% interest periods based on loan types, repayment status, and deferment eligibility.
Strategically use grace periods, deferments, income-driven repayment plans, and other tools to maximize every window of 0% interest.
This can help you pay down your principal faster, save money on interest, and become debt-free sooner.
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