11 Characteristics of a Godly Man

Characteristics of a Godly Man

In a world where biblical values and traditional marriages often clash with modern views, staying true to God’s teachings can be increasingly challenging. 

As we navigate this shifting landscape, understanding what it means to be a godly man becomes essential. 

This is not just a question for men; it’s important for women to know what to look for and for young people to understand what they should aspire to be. 

The Bible offers clear guidance on what makes a man truly godly.

Let’s explore these qualities in detail, looking at what God says about being a godly man and how these traits should shape our lives. 

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Characteristics of a Godly Man

Understanding what makes a man godly can help you find or become someone who truly reflects God’s values. 

Here are key traits of a godly man:

1. Loves and Fears God

A godly man has a deep and genuine love for God. This love isn’t just a feeling; it’s a way of life. He loves God because he knows that God first loved him, as stated in 1 John 4:19. 

This means he recognizes that God’s love is the source of his own love. A godly man strives to love God with his whole heart, soul, and mind, as instructed in Matthew 22:37. 

This involves putting God first in all things and making Him the center of his life.

In addition to love, a godly man also has a healthy fear of God. This isn’t about being scared, but rather having a deep respect and reverence for God. 

Unlike many who are concerned with what others think, a godly man prioritizes what God thinks. 

He fears disobeying God more than he fears negative opinions from others (Proverbs 1:8). 

This means he actively avoids evil and seeks to do what is pleasing to God, showing a commitment to living a life that honors Him.

2. Seeks to Keep God’s Commandments

A godly man demonstrates his love for God by obeying His commandments. This is an important way to show respect for God’s Word. 

Jesus said in John 14:15 that if we love Him, we will keep His commandments. 

For a godly man, this means cherishing and following the teachings of the Bible, as emphasized in Psalm 119:128. 

He doesn’t view God’s laws as burdensome but as a guide to living a good and righteous life.

Many people may choose to ignore or rebel against God’s commands, but a godly man is different. 

He is committed to living according to God’s will and does so with a sense of responsibility. 

His greatest concern is pleasing God rather than seeking approval from the world or his peers (Romans 7:22). 

This commitment is evident in his daily actions and decisions, reflecting his dedication to a life of faithfulness.

3. Has Strength

The strength of a godly man is more than just physical; it’s about having the courage and determination to do what is right. 

This strength is visible in how he faces challenges and adversity. Instead of avoiding difficult situations, a godly man takes action and stands firm in his convictions.

He shows bravery by speaking out against sin and defending what is right. This means he doesn’t shy away from confronting wrongdoing or injustice, even when it’s difficult. 

His strength also includes being proactive in his actions and prayers, showing leadership and commitment in all areas of his life (2 Samuel 10:7-12; Proverbs 31:8-9).

4. Possesses Humility

Humility is a fundamental trait of a godly man. Rather than focusing on himself, he prioritizes the needs and well-being of others

This is in line with Christ’s example of service, as described in Matthew 20:28, where Jesus came to serve others rather than being served. 

A godly man adopts this attitude by thinking less about his interests and more about serving and uplifting those around him.

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In practical terms, this means a godly man is willing to put aside his own desires for the benefit of others. 

He strives to live in a way that reflects humility, seeking to walk humbly with God as mentioned in Micah 6:8. 

This involves being open to correction, acknowledging his own limitations, and showing genuine respect and care for others.

5. Has Honor, Integrity, and Purity of Heart

A godly man is distinguished by his commitment to honor, integrity, and purity. He practices what is right and pure, regardless of who is watching. 

This integrity is demonstrated through his actions, which align with God’s standards of righteousness (Philippians 4:8-9). 

Unlike others who might boast about shameful actions or engage in deceitful behavior, a godly man strives to live honorably. 

He is consistent in his principles and seeks to promote justice and purity in all areas of his life. 

His choices and behaviors reflect a heart that values righteousness and integrity above personal gain or temporary pleasure.

6. Bears the Fruit of the Spirit

A godly man shows evidence of the fruit of the Spirit in his life. According to Galatians 5:16-26, this fruit includes qualities such as patience, love, mercy, and kindness. 

These traits are visible in how he interacts with others and handles various situations.

Displaying the fruit of the Spirit means that a godly man acts with compassion and gentleness, even in challenging circumstances. 

He leads by example, demonstrating how a life transformed by the Spirit can make a positive impact on those around him. 

His actions and attitudes reflect a character that is aligned with God’s will and shows a clear difference from worldly behavior.

7. Lead and Initiate

A godly man is proactive and takes the lead when needed. He doesn’t wait for others to act or get involved. 

Instead, he assumes responsibility and steps up to make a difference.

This is seen in the example of King David, who called on his army to show courage and strength for the sake of their people and cities (2 Samuel 10:7,12). 

Similarly, Ezekiel 22:30 highlights the need for individuals to stand in the gap and take action when the situation demands it.

A godly man hates apathy and rejects passivity. He understands that it is his job to lead, take initiative, and be a man of action. 

Whether it’s in his personal life, family, or community, he is driven by a sense of duty and purpose to effect positive change.

8. Speak Out in Face of Evil 

A godly man does not remain silent in the face of wrongdoings or injustices. He speaks out with love and conviction, standing up for what is right. 

Proverbs 27:5-6 emphasizes the importance of open rebuke and faithful correction, while Proverbs 31:8-9 calls for speaking up for the rights of the unfortunate. 

Additionally, 1 Peter 3:15 encourages being prepared to defend the faith with gentleness and respect.

This trait involves the courage to confront sin and advocate for justice, even when it might be uncomfortable or unpopular. 

A godly man uses his voice to promote truth and righteousness, protecting and defending those in need.

9. Stand Strong

In the face of criticism, challenges, or adversity, a godly man remains steadfast and strong. 

He understands that his efforts and commitment to doing right are valuable, even if they are met with opposition. 

Jeremiah 1:18-19 assures that God will protect and deliver those who stand firm, while 1 Corinthians 15:58 reminds believers that their labor is not in vain in the Lord. 

1 Peter 5:8-9 advises resisting the devil with firm faith, knowing that others share similar struggles.

This characteristic means being resolute in one’s principles and maintaining integrity despite difficulties. 

A godly man does not waver in his convictions but remains unwavering and dedicated to his mission and values.

10. Stay Humble

Humility is central to being a godly man. He actively guards against pride and arrogance, choosing instead to value others and their needs above his own. 

Psalm 141:5 portrays the acceptance of correction with humility, and 1 Peter 5:5-7 underscores the importance of being humble and casting anxieties on God, who cares for us.

A godly man understands that humility is not about thinking less of oneself but thinking of oneself less. 

He embraces a posture of service and humility, putting others first and relying on God for strength and guidance.

11. Prioritize God’s Kingdom 

A godly man prioritizes the Kingdom of God and lives with an eternal perspective. 

Matthew 6:33 encourages seeking first God’s Kingdom and righteousness, with the promise that everything else will follow. 

Mark 10:45 highlights Christ’s example of serving others selflessly, and a godly man follows this example by living for greater, eternal rewards.

This means that his actions and decisions are guided by a desire to honor God and advance His Kingdom. 

A godly man’s life is marked by a commitment to serving God and others, with a focus on eternal values rather than temporary gains.

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Final Thoughts 

Being a godly man is not about following popular trends or meeting worldly expectations. It’s about living a life that reflects God’s love, integrity, and strength. 

Whether you’re a man striving to embody these qualities, a woman seeking the right partner, or a young person learning to grow into these traits, understanding and practicing these characteristics will help you live out your faith authentically. 

As we continue to explore what it means to be a godly man, let’s remember that our ultimate goal is to honor God and reflect His values in all we do.

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